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About jstaubr

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    Czech Rep.

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  1. Hey, I also use WS1 but I deploy ESET via Munki. I think there so far isn't a profile payload that would allow this to be bypassed without user interaction. And with Apples stance to privacy it is possible there never will be.
  2. For anyone interested: Extensions changed their identifiers and also you have to allow com.eset.devices extension full disk access via PPPC. These are the extension IDs. identifier: com.eset.devices bundleID: identifier "com.eset.devices" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = P8DQRXPVLP identifier: com.eset.endpoint budleID: identifier "com.eset.endpoint" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = P8DQRXPVLP
  3. Hi, we are using WorkspaceOne as a MDM solution and have setup our profiles according to this https://support.eset.com/en/kb7324-deploy-eset-endpoint-products-for-macos-using-jamf-pro It has worked allright for the past versions but the new 6.10.900.0 is behaving like there aren't any PPPC settings pushed at all. System Extensions are loaded and active, but every user we upgraded from 6.10.460.1 had the alert window about full disk access popup even though it worked with the past version without user interaction. If I uninstall the EEA 6.10.900.0 and install back 6.10.640.1 it works flawlessly. I have checked the code requierements of the app haven't changed but I can't debug anything else.
  4. We are using WS1 and I didn't find a way to turn this on for the end user. In my testing if the user clicks "dont allow" the popup box will come again after the next reboot. I can live with that until there is a solution for these third party proxy configurations...
  5. Same issue here. But that safe mode boot is also a cure for MDM update bug from 11.1. https://micromdm.io/blog/big-sur-softwareupdate/ So I don't know if it is entirely esets fault or both. Also some users are reporting poor network experience when the eset proxy is active.
  6. Hi Peter, I'm currently using M1 mac and looking to deploy large numbers in the company. I would love to test it out.
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