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About MarcoFerraz

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  1. I uninstalled everything and reinstalled using the old bank, it worked back all the machines, but now I can't communicate with them; How can I get the server back to communicate with clients?
  2. If I remove the console and reinstall, will I have a problem with the machine data?
  3. If I install ERA on top of what I already have, can it be a problem? Or should I remove the existing one (but I don't want to lose the policies already applied to the machines and neither the machines) and reinstall. Do you indicate any procedure to reinstall?
  4. How can I do this procedure? if i save the bank and uninstall, can i recover the machines in the structure they were in? for example, can I install ERA and access the policies and machines normally?
  5. I understand, but how do I access the ESMC panel, the password I used to access ERA as an administrator user is not working in ESMC and I can't reset the password for the administrator user in ESMC because I can't find the program.
  6. I send an ERA component upgrade task to the server and the operating system is Windows 10 . I can't find Security for remover.
  7. Good afternoon, I went to update the Remote Administrator manually, but I did not pay attention to the installer that I sent the server to use to update, I ended up installing over the Remote Administrator the ESET® SECURITY MANAGEMENT CENTER. I can no longer access the Remote Administrator. Can someone help me ? Is there any way to remove SECURITY MANAGEMENT CENTER without affecting Remote Administrator?
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