I recently (finally) updated our old ESET Remote Administrator software (v5) to use the ESET Security Management Center (v7). The basic deployment seems to be fine, but I'm unable to add the licenses for our workstations. Every time I attempt to add the licenses - whether with the Business Account credentials or the license key - I get an error indicating a failure. For example, trying to add the licenses using my credentials returns the error: "Failed to add license by ESET Business Account credentials."
Looking at other topics on this subject, I tried looking at the trace.log file to get some insight, but I'm still unable to determine the cause of the problem. I also tried disabling the proxy server option in the Advanced Settings, but it still failed. Here is what I'm seeing in the trace.log file (redacted):
2020-09-16 17:27:52 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 3b44]: AddPoolBySecurityAdmin: Failed to add pool by account [Login=esetadmin@domain.com]. Error: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPLinkSeatPoolRequest request failed, error=0x2051d000.
2020-09-16 17:27:52 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 3b44]: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPLinkSeatPoolRequest request failed, error=0x2051d000.
2020-09-16 17:27:52 Error: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 2624]: 150 Error while processing AddPoolBySecurityAdmin request: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPLinkSeatPoolRequest request failed, error=0x2051d000.
2020-09-16 17:27:52 Error: ConsoleApiModule [Thread 2624]: Untranslatable CInterModuleException: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPLinkSeatPoolRequest request failed, error=0x2051d000.
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 25d0]: CLocationSynchronizationHandler : Calling ECP communicator v2 failed, seatId=[SOME_GUID], error : CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPGetLinkedLocationsRequest request failed, error=0x20556000.
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 25d0]: SynchronizationService: Synchronization of locations failed with the following message: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPGetLinkedLocationsRequest request failed, error=0x20556000. Last successful synchronization finished at: Never.
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Error: AutomationModule [Thread 1b64]: LicensePoolSyncTrigger: Trigger [UUID=SOME_UUID, TYPE=LICENSE_SYNCHRONIZATION] detected failed license synchronization. Retry counter exceeded, no rescheduling will be made.
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Warning: LicenseModule [Thread 25d0]: CSynchronizationService : Retrieval of EDTD API tokens failed with following error : LicenseModuleHelper: SyncPools: Failed to get edtd api tokens, SeatId=SOME_GUID. Error: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPGetApiTokensRequest request failed, error=0x2054e000..
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 25d0]: SynchronizationService : Synchronization failed with following error(s) : CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPGetLinkedLocationsRequest request failed, error=0x20556000..
2020-09-16 17:27:53 Error: LicenseModule [Thread 25d0]: CEcpCommunicatorV2: ECPGetLinkedLocationsRequest request failed, error=0x20556000.
Reading through this doesn't help me a whole lot, but my best guess would be that there's some sort of communication error with the licensing server. Interestingly, if I use the same credentials on my workstation to activate the endpoint client, it works without a problem. Of course, I don't want to have to go to each client to do this manually - especially if I need to renew my licenses or do further upgrades/updates. Any help would be appreciated.