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About twok

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  1. We are using UsageReport/AllCompanies/products. It pulls back all of the companies, products, and how many seats they have.
  2. Thanks emilota! Do you know how long it normally takes to hear back from something like that?
  3. When using /api/UsageReport/AllCompanies/products I can seemingly get the first 100 results without issue but when I try to get the second set of items, I sometimes get expected items but other times I get some duplicates of the first API call. My API calls are going through https://mspapi.eset.com/. API Request: https://mspapi.eset.com/api/UsageReport/AllCompanies/products with the following {"from":"2020-08-31","to":"2020-08-31","skip":0,"take":100} seems to work and be consistent. API Request: https://mspapi.eset.com/api/UsageReport/AllCompanies/products with the following {"from":"2020-08-31","to":"2020-08-31","skip":100,"take":100} does not always seem to provide the expected results. Looking at the details of the call on https://mspapi.eset.com/swagger/index.html and https://help.eset.com/ema/2/api/en-US/allcompanies_products.html, I’m not sure what I am missing to ensure the second call pulls back the expected info every time. Any guidance on what I should try or attempt will be greatly appreciated.
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