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Everything posted by rugk

  1. @RNFolsom Please stick to your already opend topic. Sorry for the delay, but I have just replied. Here you can find my full post, with detailed explanations: https://forum.eset.com/topic/2493-eset-nod32-antivirus-70317-has-been-released/?p=20872
  2. You're welcome! But thanks to ESET for creating them. BTW you can link to a member with the "Special BBCode" button in the toolbar or by typing in this: [member='hqsec'] This will look as: @hqsec
  3. I think he had done so. And for you @Pentode I want to quote myself: Additionally I'd like to say that @jadinolf found a acceptable solution. (And because his one is unique it's also not so easy for malware to fake it ) But back to topic: @jadinolf, you're experiencing this issue too or did you just wanted to make a suggestion for the TS? If you're experiencing the issue please tell us what email client you use. Like @Marcos already said, it's always important to have the most recent updates (and also Service Packs of course) installed. Regardless of whether ESET supports SP2 or not I would have suggested you to upgrade to SP3. The signature of ESET is only a "design element". Like @Marcos said, it can be easily faked or something else. That's why ESET will move infected emails automatically in the dir "infected" (and adds the virus name to subject of the mail) in the default setting and the spam mails to the spam folder. @all Please check your settings. To have such a signature from ESET appended to all scanned mails adjust the settings in this way. @jadinolf and @Pentode please check whether your settings are set this way.
  4. @Pentode As a quite long ESET user you should know that the web protection works with any browser. In version 8 too and Firefox too. About the system requirements I can suggest you this topic: System requirements of the new ESET version 8 There I explained in detail where the "SP3 required" was noted and where not. And to make it short: It was noted somewhere, but not everywhere. About the "message appending" I don't think that this is really such a serious issue, but for troubleshooting and possible solutions, please stick to your topic: Can't Append Message to Email
  5. Yes this is always installed, because you can always change your email client. The dir contains the files for the addon for Mozilla Thunderbird version 5 or lower. But Mozilla Thunderbird is only supported in version 5 or lower, so the mails won't be scanned for spam. However the emails will still be scanned for malware. (maybe you have to enable SSL scanning if you use a POPS/SMTPS connection, but to explain this would go to far off topic) Yes, there are also (or even only) on a 64bit system an additionally x86 folder. And yes x86 means 32bit. This is caused because a 64bit installation of ESET has x64 and x86 components. This is by design and to make all components 64bit don't have to make the software faster. (There were already some discussions about this here about it) However ESET is still installed in the "C:\Program Files" directory for the simple reason that it wouldn't be very useful to split the executables in different directories. (additionally it can also have technically reasons [how Windows managed the thing with WOW64], but this isn't important now) Now to your specific questions: 1. I don't know if SeaMonkey is supported by the anti-spam module, but I assume not. But it because SeaMonkey might be quite similar you maybe can use the files in the Thunderbird dir to add the addon to SeaMonkey. This is only a try. If it doesn't work, then let it be. 1a) see 1. at the top of my post 1a) and 1c) No, please don't modify some files of ESET. It's a antivirus software and not a small software tool. Additionally you won't be able to modify the things from ESET, because of the self-protection of ESET. (And yes, you can deactivate this, but don't do this!) 2. see 2. at the top About the "new question": You can read the changelog for 7.0.325.x you can find in this topic. You can see that this are mostly bug fixes and other minor changes. But anyway there is no reason to downgrade to 7.0.302.x. It just useless. Already if there are only some advantages of the new version then there are advantages. So there is really no need to downgrade. But I can suggest you to upgrade to v8.
  6. Because on the official Twitter channel of ESET were published some very nice infographics about some ESET features, I'd like to share them here too. With them you can e.g. understand very good what the feature exactly does if you are not already knowing this. A overview over all features of ESET Smart Security Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/531099286206173184 View in full size Anti-Phishing Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/530737054091849728 ESET LiveGrid Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/530374708706156545 Advanced Heuristics Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/529649725445001216 ESET Vulnerability Shield Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/529287311427911680 Advanced Memory Scanner Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/528924859687272448 Enhanced Exploit Blocker Source: https://twitter.com/ESET/status/528547161911590912 More information you can get here: ESETs Twitter Channel ESET Smart Security 8 More information about ESETs technologies
  7. FYI you can edit posts in this forum after you published them. BTT: That fact that the button is gone has surely to do with the support of Thunderbird. I assume you mean something like a scan button in Thunderbird. Correct me if I'm wrong. Like you can read in a kb article Thunderbird v 6 and newer isn't supported, so the add-on/plug-in isn't compatible and no button can appear there. However the mails will still be scanned for malware. More information about the thing with the system requirements you can surely find in this topic: System requirements of the new ESET version 8 It stands in the knowledgebase articles. I don't know if a re-installation will solve the problem. However here are some links (you don't have to go all over the place ): ESET NOD32 8 Download Information about ESET NOD32 8
  8. Recently it was said by @Marcos that v8 doesn't support Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or older anymore. It requires Windows XP Service Pack 3. So I looked into the knowledgebase and it's saying the same. What operating systems are ESET products compatible with? (Home Users) System Requirements for ESET Smart Security / ESET NOD32 Antivirus (Home Users) So, because it was said that v7 even support Windows NT 4.0 SP 6a, I'd like to ask: Are these versions (under Windows XP) still supported? After this I looked on the official download pages of ESS and NOD32. There it says: So nothing about "Service Pack 3 required". I think you change the text there a bit.
  9. Thanks for telling this to us. I'm sure ESET will appreciate it. If you found more translation mistakes of course feel free to tell them too.
  10. What email-client do you use? What AV do you use? (The thing with Avast irritated me) I assume ESET NOD32... I strongly recommend you to install SP3 for Windows XP, because recently we found out that the 8th generation of the ESET products requires SP3 for Windows XP. Normally you shouldn't be able to install v8 on Windows XP SP2. How do you access your mails (POP3 or POP3S and SMTP or SMTPS)? Now I read the first line... I overlooked it. And whether you use a trail version or not makes no difference.
  11. I see... So just BTW: Do you know or can you imagine why? (If you don't want to bloat this topic you can of course PM me)
  12. 1. so "or" or even delete the part with the firewall 2. Yeah, ...
  13. I think a sandbox as a stand-alone utility or something similar wouldn't be a bad idea. Including the sandbox in ESS I think would require a large (internal) discussion before.
  14. @Arakasi You don't need a firewall exception. (I see no reason why you should need this. Especially not for changing the Windows style.) Marcos. The thing with the HIPS exception I will try later. @Marcos I think this could be a kind of incompatibility of the programs. So you surely have to use the same program (TuneUp Styler), possibly the same ESET version (8) and maybe even the same OS (Windows 7). Yeah, that's the reason why I'm asked. And that's also the reason why I'm assuming it's not wanted/expected behaviour of HIPS.
  15. Quite many topics were opened about the fact that (mostly) version 8 isn't released as PCU yet, so that the button "Check for new product version" isn't saying that there is a new version out. If you have questions why the ESET software didn't show a "upgrade-message" or why it isn't upgrading automatically I suggest you to check my post in another topic. I give a short explanation for all this questions and I linked to some kb articles that show how to upgrade exactly or how to get ESS or NOD32 checking automatically for upgrades. And for the last thing I have a suggestion. As you know you can configure ESET so that it checks automatically for product upgrades, but it will only inform you if if the upgrade was released as a PCU. But I can understand that some people want to get informed immediately about a new product upgrade. And because of this I would suggest to make different upgrade "channels" for the product upgrade of an ESET software. For the updates of the VSD there are two channels too: And so I think it would also be useful to have two channels for the product version upgrade as well. For example one "regular/normal update" and "instant update". Have a look at this mockups as two possible examples: In both examples the setting is set to the "regular upgrade checking". I think it could also be good to set this as default or to ask the user at the installation whether he wants to automatically check for product upgrades.
  16. But why don't there are log files about this?
  17. This is not true. Self-defense also protects crucial system processes. Okay, I didn't knew this. I though this would do the "normal" HIPS.
  18. Great! Yes, there is. However it's just the same as if you would click on "Check for product upgrade" in the settings. In another thread I already summarized all this question about a product upgrade in a short post: https://forum.eset.com/topic/3575-no-upgrade-notification/?p=20811
  19. I can't image what changes it could make to ESET. Normally it should just make changes to the Windows system, but the self-protection is only protection changes to ESET. Maybe we would have to test it with ESS or NO32 7 to look whether it will blocked there too.
  20. No it isn't solved at all. And you even can't say that a firewall makes HIPS useless. And as I wrote you don't have to disable the complete HIPS - just enable all modules except of the self-protection.
  21. Not, that you could just uninstall NOD32 and test it without any antivirus... Do you have the latest Flash Player installed? Do you tried reinstalling Flash Player? Do you tried the HTML5 version of the YouTube-Player? Does it really happen for every video you look? What browser did you use? Do you tested it with an other browser? And if you already talk about HTTPS scanning: Does it also occur when you watch the YouTube video through a HTTPS connection? And only for troubleshooting: Does it also happen when you deactivate Web protection or protocol filtering (one at a time)? You give quite less information about your problem (and the possibly tried solutions) compared to the part where you are only getting angry about ESET (or telling what great "expert friends" you have...).
  22. @JoeBlack40 No HIPS doesn't disable all the protection. It's only one protection module - however it's an important one. @all So, I was able to reproduce the issue. TuneUp 2013 and Windows 7 too, but ESS 8.0.304. The theme is just not changing (correctly). In the example I tried it changed a few things, e.g. the color of the text in the title, but the main things weren't changed and TuneUp Styler (that's the "module" with which you do this) keeps telling that the default is active. Before each try I reset the theme to Windows default with the normal Windows function to change the design. Now to troubleshooting. I tried it with HIPS completely disabled and it worked. I tried it with learning mode and it doesn't worked. So I tried to narrow it down. I disabled the HIPS modules, one at a time, and I found the "bad guy". The self-protection is blocking the process. Later I tried Marcos instructions too and they seem to confirm it. Here are the results: Both renamed: OK Only eamonm.sys renamed (so that realtime protection won't work): NO Only ehdrv.sys renamed (so that HIPS won't work): OK BTW I noticed some other strange things too: When HIPS is disabled or it can't work (because of renamed ehdrv.sys) the tray icon isn't warning. When HIPS is disabled (but not if it can't work) there is even not showed a red dot in the GUI, but just a white (empty) one (like the dot when Gamer Mode is deactivated). When I disable HIPS, and click OK to confirm I know I have to restart (I can only click OK), the self-protection will be greyed out, but all the other things (Advanced Memory Scanner and Exploit Blocker) still seems to be activated. After a restart after disabling HIPS or when HIPS can't work, some of the above mentioned "modules" of HIPS were just gone (There were only 2 checkboxes anymore I think). When I re-enabled HIPS the checkboxes only appeared after a restart. Edit: Now I enabled "log all blocked events" in the HIPS setup, tried to change the theme and checked the HIPS log after this. But there were no entries.
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