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Everything posted by rugk

  1. At first it would be good to know from what version you tried to upgrade. However... it seems as there was going something wrong with the firewall. normally ESET shouldn't detect itself as modified. Maybe the previous version of ESS wasn't uninstalled correctly before the new version was installed. I would suggest you to uninstall ESS, restart your computer and install the new version of ESS. If the uninstallation doesn't work then you maybe have to use the safe mode uninstaller.
  2. The simple reason for this is that protocol filtering has nothing to do with a Firewall. It doesn't block traffic it just scans it for malicious things. For more information see the product help from which I attached a screenshot in my post before. Maybe there is another user who has a Logitech Media Server so he can test it too. I haven't so I can't test it.
  3. No it doesn't - unless you have marked your device everytime as "stolen" . BTW I have updated the first post, because now also ECS (so the pure antivirus for Mac OS) is 50% off.
  4. hxxp://www.eset.com/de/about/contact/ But why are these codes now from Germany? So you bought a German license key thought a US company from an US ESET reseller...? To check the codes you can send them to foneil (or any other moderator of course).
  5. Well thats similar to ESET LiveGrid. It will also upload unkown files, but for showing a message about a completly (!) unknown file I would think SweX suggestion he made some time ago was quite good. However... What is if you're a software developer and make (really unique and because of this also unknown) pices of software? In this case you're own files will always be unknown and will always cause a notification...
  6. No because it only has an optional end-to-end-encrypted messaging system (in separate chats)...
  7. #SafeChristmas goes on! @ESETUK has now some special offers! You can get 3 things now for half the price! ESET Mobile Security ESET CyberSecurity ESET CyberSecurity Pro and even ESET Multi-Device security
  8. Merry Christmas to you too of course. ESET has reached level 2. That's still very good.
  9. Merry Christmas from me too! So... IsItChristmas.com? Yes!
  10. Well... 6.37€ for ESET NOD32 is very, very cheap... So I hope it's a real genuine license. But if you say you have made good experiences with them then it may be valid license. And with "Purchased license from microcenter site" they maybe mean the reseller I already linked to: hxxp://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294964024
  11. I agree with Swex, but I think ESET will update this site when it is out of BETA (and maybe then it will even support OS X 10.9 and 10.10): hxxp://www.eset.com/int/support/rootkit-detector/
  12. Yes this is our idea. To group the configurations we could add - like you said - a small prefix - in our case maybe "System_Win6.3_x64_v001" where "System" indicates that this is from a rule pack Win6.3 indicates that this rule pack is for "Windows 8.1" (6.3 is the NT version number of Windows 8.1) x64 indicates that this is for an 64bit system and v001 indicates that this is the first version of the rule pack (so if there should be future changes, this can be found out) The rest of the rule name is - IMO - already quite good understandable when they are automatically created by the learning mode. This grouping is a good idea so that - if a rule is causing some issues - you directly know that this rule was imported by using the package. Yes rules for application suites or "types" (e.g. Browsers, which would be quite easy to make) would also be useful, but I think at first basic system rules are the first step of it. Yes, that's why we had to make different packages for every OS and different packages for x64/x86 systems. For system rules this may be enough. If you create rules for applications then you surely don't want to create a new rule pack for every OS where the application can running, but maybe we can use environment variables in the rules, so that they will fit to any system. (This could we at least change when we export the configuration, so that we will there replace the static paths with environment variables) Of course if you install an application under a customized path (so you don't use the default path) you will have to adjust the rules too.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsite ?? But it doesn't seem as the TS mean this. Or maybe this? hxxp://www.microcentertech.com/eset/ So Mustang can you give us a link where you bought this? And just BTW when did you contacted the support stuff (and how/on what web page) do you contacted the support staff? Because you say 3 days and 3 days ago was Saturday I don't think that many supporter work at the weekend.
  14. 3. Okay so this is really by design. I didn't knew this. 5. Well as you can see in the video it doesn't work. I even tested it on a few other VM's and a real system. I will test it on another computer as well in the next days or maybe someone else in this forum can try it out.
  15. Yes no problem. Anyway this topic is now solved in the best possible way. Well... there is still this WLAN permission, but this is a permission I can accept.
  16. More information and a quite good guide to secure your home WLAN you can find on WeLiveSecurity.com: Router attacks: Five simple tips to lock criminals out (here is an older article about this)
  17. Just add this: Have a look at this screenshot if you don't know how: And BTW it's really not necessary to deactivate the firewall of your router. A two-way-firewall is always good.
  18. @schubert4 And next time please open a new topic. This topic was about one year old.
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