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Everything posted by rugk

  1. Well you're not wrong... The "next service build of v8" will be 8.0.304 + 0.0.001 + n, so in other words it will be 8.0.305 or higher.
  2. @escalibur Yes this free codes could explain the situation. However they are only valid for NOD32. And they should also only valid for a special version of NOD32 v7. However they work for NOD32 v8 too. (at least with an upgrade from the previous version) But if these free licenses are really sold then it would be illegal - because this licenses are clearly marked as "NFR - not for resale". And to quote @foneil... Edit: Ups, sorry foneil, it was you and not Marcos - my apologises for this.
  3. Does this happen every time you select "Computer scan" or only sometimes?
  4. Thanks for the screenshots, but please stick to your other topic about this issue. Maybe it would be helpful if a moderator could move this post here into the other topic.
  5. Hmm... Do you have the same firewall mode in both systems and do you had installed a few applications in the VM? Are really every characters of all application paths in capital letters? Or only the filenames? If I look on my installation I have very different file paths: there are the correct paths lowercase, e.g.: C:\example\filename.exe there are paths which are completely in capital letters, e.g.: C:\EXAMPLE\FILENAME.EXE I saw that this were in my case only files which doesn't exists anymore. and one time there is even this path: At first there will be shown the full path to the file, so the whole path "switches"? And the path is a valid one (so the file exists)? And in your example: What about the capital letters? So am I right with this assumption? You add [...]\mbam.exe → it will be converted into [...]\MBAM.EXE → at the next reboot it will be [...]\skype.exe? Or is it [...]\SKYPE.EXE?
  6. So you can install ESET NOD32 Antivirus, but not ESET Smart Security? Can you please check at your current successfully installation of NOD32 if all components are working? (just look at the coloured circles in the settings of NOD32) Then try again to install ESS... If it does not work again can you say whether this files (and if so which files) exists in C:\Windows\System32\drivers? epfw.sys EpfwLWF.sys epfwwfp.sys
  7. Yes it will be fixed... But this was said more than once in the topics I linked.
  8. AFAIK this issue also appears in ESET v7. But as it appeared (at least in my case) very rarely I didn't found this really bad. E.g. although it wasn't fixed until now I haven't seen this issue anymore since I reported it. Here is the report and there you (and anybody else experiencing this issue) will also see when it will be fixed: ESS GUI (egui.exe) freezes at tab "Scan Computer" Also have a look at this topic: ESET SS8 Freeze
  9. Yeah... That's why I thought too: So @scottls59901 I think - just for clarification - it would be nice if you could explain these abbreviations. Also the next time if you use an unknown abbreviation you can directly insert it into your post by selecting "Special BBCode" (3rd button from the left) in the toolbar of the text editor, select "acronym" and enter your acronym... ... or just write the BBcode by yourself: [acronym='Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning :-)']acronym[/acronym] Then you will get your acronym!
  10. Well. that depends on how you define "issue". Is it really an ESET issue if your network adapter is too slow while resuming the network connection or is it the "fault" of your network adapter? However of course it would be nice if you can configure this delay in the task scheduler and it seems as ESET already wants to add this: Additionally after my last reply you and nobody else replied, so I thought you have no problem with this or you don't care about this issue any more or whatever. And if you still have the same issues then you can of course follow the descriptions here (at least to find a workaround until this change in the scheduler - which will (as I assume) take at least until the next major release). @wolliballa And you can of course also try out the things from the other thread. And as I said maybe a ping test can help to get more information about this.
  11. It is completely not working? (Okay, it also depends on how you define "not working") I think it's only not working for the spoolsv.exe... Also in your VM you maybe have a different local zone or spoolsv.exe just doesn't connect to Maybe make a allow rule with a notification, so you see when spoolsv.exe wants to connect to
  12. Oh sorry for this, but I assume ESET has nothing to the failure of this restore process... Or do you don't think so?
  13. @SweX So this message is only shown when ESS or NOD32 only updated the program components, but not the virus signature database. And as this happens quite rarely you shouldn't see this notification very often. VDU = VSD ?? So what should "VDU" mean? "virus database u-signature"??
  14. Windows XP version 2003? Well... it's Windows XP. But about your question: Yes it's worth upgrading to v8 as the exploit blocker was enhanced in ESET NOD32 and some other things also changed. ESS e.g. even received a complete new feature, the Botnet protection. Additionally the installation is really fast and simple, so I see no reason for not upgrading. But please note that you have to install SP3 for Windows XP first before you can install ESET NOD32 Antivirus v8. But you can do this for free. But even if you don't want to upgrade I would recommend you to install SP3 and install all available updates for Windows XP, because this fixes many security holes. However Microsoft has discontinued the support for Windows XP, so you won't receive any updates for it in the future.
  15. Yes it really looks like it is the same issue as I reported some time ago: ESS GUI (egui.exe) freezes at tab "Scan Computer" Also have a look at another topic where this issue is reported.
  16. What happens if you disable SSL scanning in the settings of ESS? Maybe also follow this instructions: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3487
  17. Okay just for understanding (because I had to thought twice too, because this abbreviations aren't used commonly): PMU = program modules update VDU = virus signature database update AFAIK if the VSD and the program modules have been updated you should only see the message that the VSD has been updated and only if there was an module update without any VSD update then you should see the message "The program modules have been updated." (or similar)
  18. So if HIPS is completely disabled it works? And what about the other case Marcos asked:
  19. Okay, so it's a bug in the ESET client software and in fact they have the correct state in ESET LiveGrid.But... as they were already recognized as a malware by the scanner it would be better if they would have the "red state", but "unknown" is already a much "better" category for malious files than the green icon.
  20. Yes I also wasn't talking about websites - I meant e.g. com, bat, cmd, vbs or other executable file types or script files - from these files you can make the hash you like and you can include them in ESET LiveGrid.
  21. Okay, but malware can also be not in a PE file... So this should recognized by ESET LiveGrid too.
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