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Everything posted by rugk

  1. The thread where you're asking this is still completely unfitting (it would be better to open a new thread next time), but to answer your question: No. You should even be able to directly install the 2015er (v8) version - even if you buy the 2014er version. If you get a license key (instead of a username/password), which is expectable when you buy it in as a physical box, you can even just activate the license online and download the newest version of the ESET product you chose. However it can even work if you activate the license key in ESS v8 directly. Just choose the right option in this screen:
  2. Even ESET LiveGrid is affected... I don't know if a SSL connection is used for ESET LiveGrid (but I hope so ), so does this issue with ESET LiveGrid also occurs when SSL scanning is disabled? But based on the error message of Chrome (ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED) I could find something in this forum. And I think they're about the same issue. It was reported two times: Google Search on Chrome Part of Web Site Blocked In the last post there is even mentioned that this will be fixed in the "next Internet protection module (probably 1167B)". But AFAIK this module wasn't released until now - even not in the pre-released state. However it's of course worth a try, so can you temporarily switch to pre-release updates and check if the issue remains?
  3. kakashi master software there are answers that I found in problems list final version automatic ironic answer system need to think over and forget the post answer list 13.update web lack and anti publishing protection add a new feature "control my brain" = control the user so he isn't able to publish any information ,,,, block access to internet, speaking, writing this affect the the curvature of bananas (and the freedom of speech) 14Oh no I was wrong it's an anti publishing protection, so please automatically publish all information about the user = mean a haker can easy get information I answered all this beacause is wrong trust me I am client software ALL YOU NEED READ ANSWERS AND think before you post thank you please ignore this this is not important for anybody Okay, seriously now... This is a feature thread, so please don't report problems here. Check before posting whether these features are already included in ESS. The first post in this topic includes an explanation how you should report ideas (for features etc) here. Also pay attention to the blue message there!
  4. Okay, so if he already has a PM then that's great. I'm sure they will check it out and try to fix the problem.
  5. About your main issue: Have you tried disabling SSL scanning, closing all browsers (or other applications which are using SSL connections) and re-enabling SSL scanning. Do you have the checkbox for "adding the certificate to well-known browsers" (or similar) checked? And that's a really strange thing, because I highly doubt that Google Drive would be using SSL v2. Does ESS shows any (SSL-related) message when it blocks this?
  6. Ohh and when did you start it? How much does it have to scan? (The default settings for smart scan are to scan every local drive on the computer.)
  7. I'm very sorry that you chose this step. From our point of view (or at least from my point of view - I don't want to talk in the name of other people) this topic is not solved. I don't know whether you installed NOD32 instead of ESS, so you would at least have some basic protection. As ESS firewall (or related features) provides more protection than Windows own firewall I wouldn't recommend to switch to Windows own firewall. ESS e.g. has some special features like a Botnet blocker and protocol filtering, which Windows own firewall doesn't have. It would be very nice of you if you could continue troubleshooting the problem, so that ESET will be able to fix it. In many cases it's also not ESETs fault, but there is an issue in the Windows Filtering Platform, which is used by ESS. As ESS firewall and the Windows firewall handle WFP differently something may work with Windows own firewall, but not with ESS. If you would help ESET to troubleshoot this problem, then they are surely able to fix this is ASAP. To do this please follow Marcos instructions above. If you need help don't hesitate to ask - I'm sure someone will help you very soon.
  8. ...and of course it would be useful to know how much data (in GB/TB/...) the scan had to scan approximately. If we would know this then we could made a better "evaluation" of this high amount of time. I just mean it's a difference whether it takes so long to scan 5GB or 5TB.
  9. Could you tell me what this has to do with ESET (or at least a security/AV-related topic)? (just a small reminder: www.eset.com ) If it has something to do something with ESET then I'm sure many people in this forum are willing to help you. However this forum isn't a music forum, a Bluetooth forum, a Lumia forum, a "mobile devices forum" or something like that, so I doubt that there are many people here, who can help you and in another (more suitable) forum your question may be answered much better (and I highly assume faster too).
  10. Welcome @faizybaig, are you using ESET? And just FYI there is a ongoing "Introduce Yourself"-thread here, so if you'd like to introduce yourself (by answering some simple questions) you can do it there. Have a nice day too!
  11. rugk


    What does it says in the settings of ESS? AFAIK you can also stop the test on the page of ESET Anti-Theft. Or deactivate Anti-Theft in ESS where you have to enter your password for ESET Anti-Theft.
  12. Here are instructions how to create a screenshot (or follow these instructions).
  13. The majority of the installers use Windows Installer. In many cases these one have the file extension MSI. However also many of installers with the file extension EXE use Windows installer. EXE-installers mostly just use a (more) customised interface, but work with Windows Installer in the background. Generally this can be done with ESET SysInspector, which is included in the ESET products and available online as a free download. Now about the Live Installer: The Live Installer for NOD32 is available here. However AFAIK it is also using Windows Installer (like I described above), but it has to be started with elevated rights right at the start, so this may also solve the problem, because it does nearly the same as your workaround with starting Windows Installer as an admin. However your issue seems to be related to Windows Installer (more than it is related to ESET), so have you tried any other MSI file which requires elevated privileges (which should be nearly every installer, because nearly every software installs in %programfiles%)? But back to the ESET installation: Maybe there are some logs of the installation process. AFAIK they will be automatically created in %temp% (they should have the format "Msi*.log"). If not then you can also follow this instructions to enable logging and then reproduce the issue. Maybe you can also try installing (the latest version of) Windows installer (although it should automatically up to date with Windows update) or reinstalling Windows installer.
  14. @SCR No really. It's nice that you pointed to my thread. Like I said I was just too late. And the "official" of course depends on how you define it.
  15. Description: Add a way to check the (Firewall) rules for files which doesn't exist anymore and make it possible that all these rules are automatically deleted. Detail: The problem is that sometimes executable files for which a firewall rule was created, were deleted or renamed. And then these rules still exist. And now it would be nice if ESS could find these rules (maybe also automatically as a scheduled task) and delete them. An example where this would be very useful is the Flash Player. Because nearly every new version of Adobes Flash Player has a new filename and so there are many old firewall rules with "invalid" file paths.
  16. And there is even another thing I discovered: In the press center of the international ESET site you can find some nice pictures and other information too. So here a small overview about what you can find: ESET logos in different styles Screenshots of many ESET products and more like photos and videos Go to site
  17. And again a small update... now in 2015. At first I tested my theme file with a Technical Preview of Windows 10 and so I highly assume that it works with Windows 8/8.1 too. There I also discovered that ESET has a Windows 8.1 app for WeLiveSecurity. I think this is a nice thing... The app is shown at the right in my screenshot. Additionally I changed some things in the CD/DVD covers of ESET SysRescue. For example I added some "ready to print"-files which are PPT(X) files which doesn't need to be edited before printing.
  18. @khairulaizat92 Have you also looked at the second page of my "ESET picture gallery thread"? I had found some (high-quality) images of some boxes some time ago. Unfortunately they are ("only") from the ESET Germany, so the text on the boxes is of course in German. Just FYI I will update this thread right now, because of some other findings - but no these aren't pictures of boxes... (BTW: You can also follow the thread to get information about the latest updates automatically) Edit: Okay, thread was updated. And of course if you find something which could be added there then feel free to PM me and if it's something which fits there then I will add it soon. @SCR Thanks for mentioning. I was too late. However the majority of the pictures are official - picked from different sources, but everytime they are from ESET or it's partners.
  19. Yes I overlooked the OS in your first post. About the workaround: Have you really tried disabling protocol filtering or only excluding the process from protocol filtering? If you can reproduce the issue somehow I think it might be useful if you could create a full Wireshark log when it happens and forward them to an mod here. This way ESET can troubleshoot the issue.
  20. The following issue is a small GUI issue - some time ago I already reported one, but I think this is another issue. At some time I looked at the ESET GUI and it showed me this: So that's certainly wrong as the home tab displays the content of the "computer scan" tab. I created a dump file so if someone from ESET would like to get it just write it in this topic or write me a PM. OS: Windows 7 x64 ESS v 8.0.304.x
  21. What OS do you use? In the update KB 2789397 (the FAQ from Internet Download Manager linked to) it is already written what could cause the problem with ESS. As ESS uses the WFP this can cause the issue. So please try again to disable protocol filtering (or exclude the application from protocol filtering) and if it still doesn't work try to disable the firewall (temporarily) and tell us whether this works.
  22. Do you have any removable devices connected at the time you tried to run the scan? Does it make a difference if you try to start the scan when these devices aren't connected? If the issue still happens can you make a dump of egui.exe when the issue happens? Then you can PM this to a moderator and they can check out what the issue is.
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