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Everything posted by rugk

  1. ESET NOD32 Antivirus should work, but you should better use ESET FileSecurity for Windows Server as this is the product, which is specially designed for Windows Servers. Also have a look at the according part(s) of this forum: ESET Business User Products → ESET Products for Windows Servers Edit: According to @foneil, only old versions of ESET NOD32 Antivirus can be installed on a Windows server. That's why I striked the first part out.
  2. @TomFace Yes this article the correct one, because there is no special password for the parental control, but instead of that it uses the settings password. Just a small note for clarification: @Mayur You're in the wrong part. ESET NOD32 doesn't offers a parental control, but ESS does.
  3. Don't you think it's enough to ask for feedback in this forum? Additionally you can already submit feedback through the contact form in the product. There is an option "Feedback".
  4. Yes, this is a font file! If a font file would be malicious then this would be either not a real font file or very strange... And it isn't blocked by ESS or NOD32, so maybe just update your VSD and then it should work.
  5. Exactly, Swex. More information you will get here: How do I upgrade ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus to the latest version?
  6. That's really now "nice" of them - not only because it's PUA, but because of this root certificate it's also a security risk for all of their users with these "software"... Lenovo Is Breaking HTTPS Security on its Recent Laptops | EFF And to answer a post by @Aryeh Goretsky (yeah I was also very surprised that he is in the Levono forum): He believes... He knows this of course... But the important difference between the root cert from "Superfish" and AV software like ESET is the following: Levono used the same private key for every installation of Superfish, so an attacker is able to decrypt all HTTPS communication. ESET uses a new private key (and certificate) for each computer. You can simply test this by activating SSL scanning two times. Everytime a new certificate will be created. I've done this and you can see this in the screenshot (the hashes are different):
  7. Shouldn't this be moved to ESET Products for Windows Servers?
  8. You're right. It seems to be closed now. Maybe the results will be published, maybe not. Of course I also don't know this. However if I'll find the results then I'll post this of course. BTW about the creators: Of course I don't know who created it, but it was published on @esetglobal. I don't know who is responsible for this account, but you can assume that they created it.
  9. Okay, they also have their own forum. But of course they would say it's legal.
  10. ZeusTracker should be detected by ESET. Maybe under the name Win32/Zeus. Also the Botnet protection (and web protection) should detect suspect network traffic and block them. However your problem inspired me to create a tool, with which you can covert such IP lists into firewall rules for ESS. These are saved in a settings file, which you can import into ESS. You can do it yourself or use my generated XML. I've just generated this XML with the newest blocklist. But as this blocklist is often updated, I recommend you (and later visitors) to create their own firewall rule, based on the newest IP list. The rule is set to log and notify the user if a connection to these servers is made. After importing the rule, it should look like this: Alternatively it may also work to import this IP list into the blocking list of the web protection of ESS or NOD32. But as a Firewall rule this is of course a much nicer way. Download block list (last updated: 2015-02-23) alternative download link The most recent version of this file you can find on GitHub.
  11. Inspired by a user who wanted to import a list of 222 IPs into the ESS firewall, I made this tool. I called it the "Firewall Rules Generator" for ESS. It simply converts a list of IP addresses into a settings file for the ESS firewall, so you can import it via the settings. Limitations Currently it only supports IPv4 addresses. IPv6 support may be added later. [Done] The firewall rule will be set to use the protocol TCP & UDP. You can only change this manually after the creation of the XML file. You can't specify any ports to block. Changelog How to use Start the program. (or use drag & drop to drop a IP list file on it) Select your IP list file, set the options and select specify the settings file, which should be created. After the settings file is created you can import it into ESS: Alternatively you can also create the XML from the commando line. The process can be fully automated by using the parameters of the program. To see all available parameters just start it with the parameter "/?". (like this: ESSFirewallRulesGenerator.exe /?) About the tool The tool is written in AutoIt and you can download the source code is on GitHub. It's licensed under a MIT license. This way you can be sure that it is not malicious and only does what it says. Additionally here you can find the virustotal scan. (A few AVs may detect it as a "backdoor", but happens is just because of the compressing algorithm I'm using. More information here.) Download Here are the download links for the tool: Download file SHA-1 hash: 4BDFDEADACE5BA77A1853D4B1CF650A7CDFED384 Alternative download link 1 Alternative download link 2 View source on GitHub If you find problems or other things then any report is of course very much appreciated. You can do this on GitHub or in this thread of course. If you're looking for an example of a created settings file you can use the one created from the C&C servers of Zeus Tracker (download here).
  12. @VigenTests Have a look at my edit. Yes, v9 is a "new product version" after v8, so you will get a notification if you select "Regularly check for latest product version".
  13. Yeah, but (@khairulaizat92) please give us the links... Please! @VigenTests It's already here. Will my ESET product upgrade automatically? How do I upgrade ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus to the latest version? How do I configure ESET Smart Security or ESET NOD32 Antivirus to regularly check for the latest product version? You can set ESS to show a message when a new version is available and you can upgrade it with a few clicks. This way you will get a notification about every new version for which ESET decides to release it as a PCU - this will be of course the case for a new major version (v9).
  14. You surely have enabled this phantom account on my.eset.com. Here you can find more information: https://help.eset.com/antitheft/en-US/index.html?issue_no_fakeuseraccount.htm Of course you can delete this account there too. However I wouldn't recommend to do so as this fake account is used to trigger Anti-Theft when a thief logs in into this account.
  15. I have seen a Antivirus system (SecureAPlus from SecureAge) which offers a product which scans files online with different engines. No it's not Virustotal. It seems to be designed as a normal antivirus system. (which is different to VirusTotal) They also have a free version and a paid version there. So on their website they state: So the only thing I'd like to ask is: Is the ESET engine used legally?
  16. @khairulaizat92 Yeah, that's fully okay of course. We are here to discuss things and it's of course good to hear the opinions of users (from other forums). However could you please give us the links to the threads where they talked about it, so we can read their findings by ourself and maybe also reply to them?
  17. Additionally a small word about the msconfig/ESET autostart thing. It depends on where you exactly looked into msconfig, but I assume you didn't looked through the whole list of services, so with other words you looked under "autostart" (or similar). There you can only disable or enable the start of the ESET user interface (egui.exe). However, regardless what you tried to modify of ESET should be blocked by the self-defence. This autostart entry included. As it doesn't seem to be so in your case you surely already had disabled self-defence. Please note that you should always enable self-defence in a normal usage of your computer.
  18. This could indeed solve the problem. Maybe the problem of your issue are wrong permissions of the directory C:\Program Data\ESET\ESET Smart Security\Logs (or an directory above).
  19. For this he would use have to buy Premium version - I'm not sure whether he uses one. But he could use the trail of course... @mezorba How have you installed EMS? (from Google Play or from elsewhere?) What Android version are you using? And just FYI: If you're sending commands from your trusted friends phone numbers you don't need the password. You only need the password if you're sending commands from any other ("untrusted") phone number. And BTW esetsirenpassword isn't the correct text you have to sent. The spaces must be there! You can find a list of all SMS commands here: hxxp://staging5.esetstatic.com/fileadmin/Images/US/Images/Product/infographics/ESETNA-6237-EMS3-AntitheftInfographic-A.jpg
  20. Yeah, I think that's the problem. I have tried this on a real system and a few virtual machines. And just now even on another "real system" with the same result. The buttons are behaving strangely... Do you maybe want a SysInspector log to see the system specifications? Maybe even another user can test it and confirm or deny whether it works on his system.
  21. That's strange. What does it show for "next scan"?
  22. Okay, about what scanner are you talking? The Facebook or the Twitter scanner? And have you double-checked that the settings are correctly set to scan automatically?
  23. Additionally: How can they evaluate how good the heuristics are? Virustotal - no! There not all components of the software are used, so even Virustotal stated that Virustotal shouldn't been used for this. (I don't know if they even use any heuristics in their online test...) To evaluate the heuristics they would have to know the source code of the software. Maybe you can give links to the threads where they said this.
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