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Everything posted by rugk

  1. Well this looks like the Social Media Scanner was temporarily down (maybe for maintenance or something like this). When I now check the site it is available.
  2. Hi @planet, thanks for your fast answer. I knew you would answer... 2. Well... I found it looked strange... - And it takes a longer mouse route to go to the options there... 3. Okay, I was not sure whether ESET could affect this, but if it's this way then just forget this... 5. I think it was straight after the installation. However (as I said) I did tested this some months ago - so that's the reason why the modules are outdated of course - and (as I said too) I'm not able to test it again. Additionally this issue was only reproducible the moment were it happened, but later it went well (maybe after a restart? - I don't know exactly anymore). 6. Yes of course, but I'd like to structure the things I write. I think Shift + Enter didn't worked either. However you can of course try it out and test whether this works. 7. Well... it would be nice to have. 8. Ahh okay. 9. Well... why not make the settings resizeable (or open then in an additional window)? Of course a great addition which I would like is Anti-Theft...
  3. And in 5 hours happens nothing? (Let's look in your crystal ball... )
  4. Recently (okay, not really recently - it's was already some months ago - so sorry for this, I wanted to publish this earlier) I was able to test ECSP. As always with ESET programs ( ) it worked nicely and has a nice GUI, but there are still some things (some of them may be bugs) I have noticed. I will list them here, but please note that I cannot do any further troubleshooting (or something of this kind) as I'm not able to use the device anymore. At first the version of ECSP I used: When changing the settings of the user interface (or the context menu settings) there is no hint that this changes will only be applied after a PC (ehh... Mac ) restart. (Although it seems to be only applied after a restart.) When ECSP displays a notification and you click on the small "drop down button" the menu is not displayed directly below the "drop down button", but below the whole note. When you download the ECPS "installer" you get a volume file. I mean this: Now you can resize this, but the content isn't resized... In the settings you can enable that ECSP uses the "standard menu", with which this is meant: So there is a small "font issue": The left text "ESET CyberSecurity Pro" isn't (like with any other Mac application) bold. At some time I did a smart scan. After this I again tried to start a smart scan (with a user account which had no root rights, but was privileged in the settings of ECSP) and then the Smart scan went very fast - too fast. I can imagine that ECSP is fast, but not that fast. It directly showed me that it did not scan any files... I have documented this in a video which you can see here: ESET Cyber Security Pro - "Very fast smart scan" issue | MyVideo (password: esetforum) As you can see a custom scan worked without any problems. When submitting a file with the built-in forum you can only write a single-line into the "comments" box (although it's quite large). If you press enter then it already submits the file. In the context-menu there is missing the function (which I know from ESS and NOD32) to view information about the file on ESET LiveGrid. When exporting the settings no file extension is added by default, which means that you either add no file extension (./settings) or add any file extension which comes into your mind (./settings.ecspsettingsfile). I think it should add it's own file extension, especially because the settings file is not a XML file, like in ESS and NOD32. There are two places to edit the rules and zones - a "real" rules and zones editor and the Firewall settings. I think this is quite confusing... ESET Cyber Security Pro - Double rules and zones editor | MyVideo (password: esetforum)
  5. What means "you can't"? I have made a small video. Just follow it... (this are the steps by Marcos in a visual way ) How to restart egui.exe (ESET Smart Security) with admin rights | MyVideo BTW do you have enabled this option?
  6. No this issue is not only about PUA... Also none of the information about Wajam are working...
  7. Great that you could resolve it by yourself. However this may had also worked to get internet connection again: No internet connection due to malware
  8. It seems as resolvethem.com is now unblocked. I could access it without any blocking message from ESS. VSD 11214
  9. Okay, great. Just for future reference: How do I remove a Poweliks or Gootkit infection?
  10. Sorry for the late reply, but here other more details about this "Waski file": hxxp://virusradar.com/en/Win32_TrojanDownloader.Waski/detail
  11. Yes, FightersTray.exe. You can stop it. Get out to what software FightersTray.exe belongs to (I highly assume it's SpamFighter) and uninstall it. Or block the internet connection for FightersTray.exe in ESETs firewall... Yes. The internet isn't attacking anyone. Only people or "machines" using the internet can attack somebody. Well... ESET classifies it as a PUA. And as it seems you are using SpamFighter and SpamFighter tries to foist SlowPCFighter on your computer. So I would say they're correct with detecting it as a PUA. (background installations of software... Ugh!) That's exactly the point! ...potentially unwanted application... Well... that's a bit a strange solution. And I think SpamFighter would start again "offering" you this software... Like I said the better solution would be to get rid of software which is trying to do potentially unwanted actions. A good alternative to SpamFighter would be to switch to ESS, which has (among other things of course) a spam-filter built in. (Please check before whether your email client is compatible with ESS AntiSpam-feature.)
  12. Yeah, this could be the reason and could explain why it only happens with Google Chrome. So thanks for this good troubleshooting. Wikipedia article (HTTP compression): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_compression It seems as this were also a bug in Privoxy (a proxy which also filters web traffic) and it was caused by a problem how it handles HTTP compressions. This could be a similar problem in ESS too. About the commando line parameter of Chrome: Normally it should work. Can you try it with --enable-sdch=never_enabled_sdch_for_any_domain?
  13. Yes, you can just buy the 2014er version. Maybe there are some people who "have to" get the 2015er version, because they like the 2015er box so much, () but I assume you're not one of them. And BTW: 2014 equates to version 7 and 2015 equates to version 8.
  14. hxxp://csmonitor.com/World/Passcode/Passcode-Voices/2015/0220/Opinion-For-many-Americans-cybersecurity-tips-aren-t-realistic.-Here-s-how-to-change-that
  15. Lenovo and Superfish? Don’t panic, you may not be affected hxxp://www.welivesecurity.com/2015/02/20/lenovo-superfish-dont-panic-may-affected/ Lenovo apologizes over pre-installed tracking software hxxp://www.welivesecurity.com/2015/02/20/lenovo-apologizes-pre-installed-tracking-software/
  16. The system idle process has to be on 99% CPU usage - at least this is no bad. You're wondering? Well... it just shows that 99% of the CPU is not used. In fact it does not really use these resources. More information you can find in the Wikipedia article I linked (or here e.g.). About the issue: Is it similar to this issue? What means "the computer freezes" - only a specific program (egui.exe for instance) or the whole computer freezes? BTW (although I doubt that your issue is caused because of this) if you need to do a system scan you can use ESET SysRescue or ESET SysRescue Live.
  17. @foneil In your the last character is a (kind of) space (maybe this?). However it "disturbs" the link, so that - if you click it - it doesn't "scroll" to the right part... But aside from this: Before we are now linking to 1000 other places where you can find the SMS commands ( ) I think we should wait for the TS is to come back...
  18. Well... security issues can be there anytime, of course. But how many of these used malicious font files?
  19. hxxp://www.welivesecurity.com/2015/02/17/gchq-illegally-spy/
  20. At first you need to find out what is causing the issue. As for... you could be right of course. You can change the TreatSense1 settings of the startup scan in the settings: The first tries could be to enable "Log all objects" to see whether it is caused by a specific file and to (temporarily of course - don't forget to ren-enable it) disable ESET LiveGrid there. Both times you can try to start an startup scan manually and see if your issue still happens. 1 (that's the scanning engine of NOD32 and other ESET products)
  21. If you often receive a lot of Word documents with malware it may also be a nice idea to enable the document protection of NOD32 (or ESS). Additionally you didn't say what email-client you use. This would be a quite important information...
  22. Great that this driver update solved your problems... More information about the driver: hxxp://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-034315.htm#17.13.11btn
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