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Everything posted by rugk

  1. For an answer to this question you would have to ask the person/machine which is doing this. (Yes, of course it doesn't have to be a person, but may be automatically done...) Maybe you also have a common e-mail-adress which is attached... Yes, this can be. You can check the IPs to find out whether it's a proxy/VPN which was used for this. Besides Microsoft has some great articles which explain what you can do now. Under "What should I do if I see unusual account activity?" on this page they e.g. say that you can click on "This was me" and "This wasn't me". It's also stated that you have to go though some steps if you click on "This wasn't me"... On another site (Make your Microsoft account more secure) they show several nice tips how you can protect your account. E.g. using two factor authentication, which is very easy with a Microsoft account. Okay, one quite strange recommendation is IMO to use a popup-blocker, but maybe they had to bring the Internet Explorer up ("By default, Pop-up Blocker in Windows Internet Explorer is turned on.")...
  2. Here you can get Process Monitor from Microsoft. Start the tool and click on File → Save to. But before you do this go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA right-click the folder, select "properties" and "security" and check whether the tick for "Full control" is set...
  3. Great. Just use the time you need. Good karma is very nice. But apart from that also kudos are small great marbles which come out of nowhere and which are spread by users to mark good posts. You can give one at the right of a post:
  4. Well... tommy456 already described it. And you can of course also try it out by yourself...
  5. Now it's going on... ESET has released their new buisness products worldwide! [KB Alert] Interested in new version 6 Business products? [KB] The Next Generation version 6 business products have been released [website] The next generation of internet security [forum] The Next Generation of ESET Remote Administrator version 6 has been released [forum] The Next Generation of ESET Endpoint Security for OS X and ESET Endpoint Antivirus for OS X version 6 have been released [forum] The Next Generation of ESET Endpoint Security and ESET Endpoint Antivirus version 6 have been released [forum] The Next Generation of ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server version 6 has been released [forum] The Next Generation of ESET Endpoint Security for Android 2.x has been released So enjoy this new version (and safer technology)!
  6. Hello and welcome @usc76, yes ESS is really a good security suite. So just try it out by yourself and you will see that is is very light on your system and maybe have a look into the settings... Try it out! You won't regret it!
  7. The security audit consists of two parts: the device monitoring and the app audit The app audit shows the critical permissions of the installed apps. The app audit (only) checks for risky settings and "environmental" risks.
  8. And you get a UAC prompt? Just for a test: What happens when you deactivate UAC, restart and try to change the settings again. Actually I don't think (and hope) so... At first I would start with a reinstallation of NOD32. BTW: To what site does the error message link?
  9. Maybe some kind of DNS resolve? Is your ISP Level 3 Communications? BTW It's quite strange that if you type in the IP into the web browser you will be get to an image... hXXps://motherless.com/images/no_image.jpg Interestingly it's even HTTPS encrypted... Do you have parental control enabled?
  10. @SBMongoos So just recheck your settings. Make sure your threat sense settings are configured this way: (and you also use this ThreatSense profile for scanning) And do not forget that this box shouldn't be checked:
  11. Until yet - no. But I still say that there should be a site for every thread. (At least a site displaying "We are sorry, but we have no more information about this threat" or something like this) A simple redirection is confusing... E.g. I couldn't even found out that Wajam is a PUA, because this wasn't stated at virusradar... because there was no site. So I thought it would be something else...
  12. Have you tried this? Maybe also go a "radical way" and additionally rename epfwwfp.sys. If you do this ESET of course will show many errors, but if it should work this way then you can try to narrow this down to a specific file. And BTW here the link to the German thread: hxxp://www.computerguard.de/threads/world-of-warcraft-und-ess8-in-w8-1pro64.9454
  13. AFAIK there aren't any new news. But all files downloaded (to the download dir) by Firefox will be scanned by EMS.
  14. About the scan: As far as I can see this on the first view this is mostly PUA. Like I said you should be asked at the end of the scan what should be done with the fount threats. If you want to clean them right now, you could also use ESET SysRescue or ESET SysRescue Live (hxxp://www.eset.com/support/sysrescue). As for the second screenshot this is surely a bug. You can reproduce this? I have reported a similar bug some time ago. Maybe these bugs are similar (or maybe not of course )... https://forum.eset.com/topic/3999-ess-v8-freezes-and-shows-the-wrong-tab-in-gui/#entry23308
  15. As this thread is about a German topic it is repeated below in German. If you like to reply in this topic then please do it in English as this is an English forum here. But you can of course (if you want) add a German translation of your post. English: Hello to everyone, some of you surely know that I am from Germany, but some time ago I have discovered something new. It all began that I found a German computer forum, with an ESET part. Of course I immediately signed up and... - to cut a long story: I'm now admin of this forum (with a few others) and we manage it there. Now I'd like to present you this forum. It's mainly a computer (security) forum, but it has an ESET part. There is official German support from @Tommi Uhlemann (there ESET Deutschland) and Datsec Austria (as DATSEC_GERD) - a official partner of ESET. But also other companies like Abylonsoft and CopyTrans are there. Also there is actually a tombola where you can win some ESET gifts from Datsec and some other things from other companies. So it would be great if you would like to join us. I'm of course also rugk there and I will support you there too. Visit Computerguard.de So should I post in the English or the German forum? You can of course do it like you want, but this is my recommendation: If you don't speak English very well, it's of course the easiest and best way to post it in the German forum. Also if you speak English (more or less) well, then I would post it in the German forum, but if there are detailed technically questions, suggestions and bug reports and maybe difficult problems then it is also useful to post it in the English forum, as there are more staff from ESET and you have a directer contact to ESET. But if you're creating a thread in both forums it's a very good idea to link between the two threads in any case. This way it's easy to look at both threads and find a solution. German: Hallo allerseits, einige von euch werden bereits wissen, dass ich Deutscher bin, aber vor kurzem habe ich etwa neues entdeckt. Es begann alles damit, dass ich auf ein Computer-Forum mit einem ESET-Bereich stoß. Natürlich registrierte ich mich sofort und... - um eine lange Geschichte abzukürzen: Ich bin nun Admin in diesem Forum (mit ein paar anderen Admins) und wir verwalten das Forum gemeinsam. Nun möchte ich euch dieses Forum vorstellen. Hauptsächlich ist es ein Computer-Forum mit einem ESET-Bereich. Es gibt offiziellen deutschen Support von @Tommi Uhlemann (dort ESET Deutschland) und Datsec Austria (als DATSEC_GERD) - dies ist ein ein offizieller Partner von ESET. Allerdings sind auch andere Firmen dort vertreten, wie z.B. Abylonsoft und CopyTrans. Außerdem haben wir aktuell eine Tombola am laufen, bei der man einige ESET-Geschenke von Datsec und andere Dinge (von anderen Firmen) gewinnen kann. Es wäre dementsprechend schön, wenn ihr uns beitreten könntet. Natürlich heiße ich auch dort rugk und werde euch auch dort Support geben. Besuche Computerguard.de Soll ich im englischen oder im deutschen ESET-Forum posten? Natürlich kannst du es machen wie du willst. Allerdings ist folgendes meine Empfehlung: Wenn du nicht sehr gut Englisch sprichst, ist natürlich die einfachste und beste Lösung in das deutsche ESET-Forum zu posten. Auch wenn du Englisch (mehr oder weniger) gut sprichst, würde ich empfehlen, dies in das deutsche ESET-Forum zu posten. Wenn du allerdings technische Fragen, Produktvorschläge oder Fehlermeldungen und evt. auch schwierige Probleme hast, dann wäre es ebenfalls sinnvoll, dies in das englische ESET-Forum zu posten, da dort mehr ESET Mitarbeiter sind und du einen direkteren Kontakt zu ESET hast. Dennoch ist es, wenn du einen Thread in beiden Foren erstellt auf jeden Fall eine gute Idee die Threads gegenseitig zu verlinken. So kann man einfacher in beiden Threads nach Lösungen suchen. Edit: Changed links to HTTPS as we have upgraded to HTTPS.
  16. Well... interactive mode would be not that simple, as it does not really work in this case, because of the Gamer mode. Tell us about the result...
  17. What means "I try some options..."? Even with all things Marcos mentioned it lagged?
  18. Okay, then this is strange.... Do you have UAC enabled? And if so...
  19. Okay, great. However... Well no... the left links always linked to mega.co.nz, only the right (alternative links) linked to workupload.com (and previously file-upload.net). BTW if you reply and want to say some things about the XML and some things about my tool I think it would be good to kepp the two different threads for it, so if you want to say something about the XML post it in the post with the XML and if you want to say (more than one line) about the tool then post it here. As the topics are linked to each other users who want to find it are going to find it.
  20. Normally threats are automatically cleaned after they found (as long as you didn't modified the settings). If PUA is found then ESS should ask the user whether he wants to delete it.
  21. Hello @Paladin_Cobalt, the things @Marcos mentioned you can find below Computer → HIPS. But it's all called the same, only the "advanced memory scanner" is translated as "Erweiterter Speicherprüfer". More about this features of ESET you can read on the ESET website or here (there you get infographics). BTW have you tried the learning mode of the firewall? And you said you had other issues in other games too. Can you describe these issues? Are they also "lags"? Regards from Germany too, rugk
  22. I tested it right now and it's working... Could you try the links to mega.co.nz? Just click at the links at the left:
  23. I think this was the download from file-upload.com. I have also just seen that ESET blocked this URLs. And after a short test I can also say why: file-upload.com has added a download manager... (PUA) However my primary download link was to mega.co.nz. This download should have worked and is still working now. I will upload it somewhere else and change my links. Edit: I have changed the links.
  24. Oh, this is maybe because you're a too new forum member (too few posts) which seems to result in restricted permissions. I recreated the XML with the newest version of the IP list and edited my post above by adding two links where you can download the file.
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