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About deg

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  1. I use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + MySQL 8.0.20 + ODBC from recommended link https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/5.2.html - but after selecting Ubuntu Linux 20.04 there is only one version - mysql-connector-odbc_8.0.20-1ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb In april I've upgraded Ubuntu from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS. Works perfectly with EMCS 7.1.503.0. Couple days ago I wanted to upgrade EMCS to 7.2.2233.0 via WebConsole. But upgrade was not sucessfull. From logs I read that I have no SUPER right for DB user. I've given this right but EMCS just not worked. I can't repeat update via WebConsole. I downloaded EMCS installer from Web, but instalation failed - with error sth like "corupted DB". I deleted DB and restored from backup and once again - run installer. Instalation was successfull, but EMCS service failed. Port 2222 was not open, few seconds after start eraserver - server crashed. After many different tries, I wrote to polish Eset support (Dagma). I've got simple answer (without any log analysis) - something like "you use unsupported Ubuntu version. Try on supported version and contact us if it will not work". Today I do clean install EMCS (without certs create). Install was successfull but... EMCS stil crashes few seconds after start. I can send you full logs and crashdumps, but I prefer not to publish logs on public forum. Sorry for my English. Regards deg EDIT: Oups! I have deleted some earlier logs (before clean install), but I send these logs to polish Eset support - ticket number #0675574.
  2. Don't do it. EMCS doesn't support Ubuntu 20.04 (see https://help.eset.com/esmc_install/72/en-US/linux.html). Server installation is proceeding correctly, but after instalation EMCS server crashes. I've tested it on two Ubuntu 20.04 servers, with EMCS 7.1.503.0 and 7.2.2233.0.
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