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About Connie

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  1. Hi itman, I will try this and let you know if it works, i have never had this happen previously. Lets see, again I am most obliged to you for your help. Connie.
  2. Hi itman many thanks for your replies and help it is appreciated. Connie.
  3. Hi Marcos the email provider is not a company that I work for. I am useing https://www.register365.com/email-hosting/features/webmail for the affected account info@scotiaireland.ie Many thanks Marcos for getting back to me so quickly it is appreciated. Connie
  4. Hello many thanks for your replies. I am afraid I am not very technical when it comes to computers. I have sent the logs to samples@eset.com So lets see what they say Again many thanks it is appreciated.
  5. Time;Scanner;Object type;Object;Detection;Action;User;Information;Hash;First seen here 03/04/2020 19:28:55;Email filter - Outlook;email message;from: jimXXXXXXX@gmail.com to: undisclosed-recipients: with subject Raphael ;HTML/Fraud.CX trojan;contained infected files;LAPTOP-3TJ605RA\User;Event occurred upon receiving an email by the application: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE.;; virlog.rar
  6. Hi I found the logs, how do I send them. I cant copy and paste them ?
  7. Hi I keep getting the following pop up notice from Eset Internet security telling me a that a fraud threat has been found which Outlook was trying to access. The pop up says that that the threat has now been cleaned, however the pop up keeps opening every 10-15 seconds. How can I stop this popup ? has the fraud file been cleaned ? and deleted ? why does this still popup ? (HTML/Fraud.EK) from melinda......@yahoo.com How can I get rid of this and the popup, I already put this address in my blocked senders list but it keeps poppin up. Many thanks Connie
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