need advice how to fix our current issue with Citrix Xenapp servers. Any help or idea to solve is highly appreciated.
What I have:
Citrix Xenapp 4.5 on Windows 2003 Enterprise
Endpoint Security 5.0.2228
around 30 servers in service, medium load
What's the issue:
For unknown reason server are getting slower till a full stop where it's completly unusable. It seems to be random but depends on server load. Server with higher load are often. What I see is the ekrn.exe takes one or two cores and starts to take more and more memory, up to 900MB. On two servers I get a chance to kill ekrn.exe and the issue went immediatly away. In the last three months I had around 12 "server down". 7 from 12 this week :-(.
What I did:
Check for Windows Updates
Upgrade for 5.0.2225 to 5.0.2228
Update RA to the
Change some servers to Windows File Server Security (need maintenance time)
Any idea? Any hotfix or any configuration to check?