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Posts posted by ErikSwan

  1. I've experienced a somewhat related bug in Interactive mode. It tends to get processes (Everything from game launchers, DRM solutions to browsers) "stuck" in limbo for a random amount of time. It only occurs if it blocks the network activity of the first execution of the process, I can reproduce it reliably and prevent it from happening, but it's very tiresome.


    I.e Install a game, or web browser that uses a launcher or similar.


    Execute the new program, program tries to access DNS or a website, ESET prompts, I create a rule for allowing it via the prompt. Then the process just hangs in memory and does nothing until it's relaunched.


    It never actually allows traffic for a new process if I create a permanent rule for it via the prompt on first execution, it usually works on the second or third launch, never immediately as it should.


    The first network activity request is apparently hosed until relaunch no matter what, which wouldn't be a huge deal but I can't even kill the zombie with ProcessHacker, and some games for example will detect themselves running. (For example, Steam based) and prevent another from being launched while that one is in memory.


    I use interactive mode as I don't want it to blindly allow everything I run.



    Edit: Related to the hidden/missing/overlapping prompts? ESET locks the "Zombie" until the prompt is answered again? Speed at which network requests are sent out by the unknown/undefined application leading to it? First Execution->Prompt->Application sends more network requests, ESET more prompts while first prompt is being answered->Extra prompts "missing" (Due to first prompt being interacted with?) prompts go unanswered so application just drools in the background?



    Found it with ProcessHacker, some prompts are just being hidden. I can bring them forward and go through the normal shenanigans of setting up another rule, blocking it or whatever for the additional, extra prompts once I force it to be visible and bring it to the front. (Though I already did one set for the same application at the sametime.) Once done it allows the other, "zombie" process to die out peacefully.


    Also experiencing this bug, and it has been driving me crazy all day long. Glad to see that it's ESET and not something that's wrong with my PC (applications unable to connect, random process hangs, etc.)

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