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About Cedric

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  1. Hello, Unfortunatly the problem appear again this morning a few time after i boot my computer. The option "Disable checking upon inbox content change" is still enable. I unable the outlook plugin to come back to a stable state.
  2. 37 042 mails in my inbox. It happen right after configuring my account in outlook. Seems to be better with activating the option "Disable checking upon inbox content change" I will get back to you if it happens again with the option. Regards,
  3. the problem seems to come from the eset plugin in outlook. No more problem when i disable it. Here is the log eis_logs.zip
  4. Hello, I have the same syptom than explain higher. Nod32 take a lot of cpu ime. Action on my computer take sometime a lot of time (explorer, mstsc). I m trying to sending you the log
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