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Everything posted by adi142

  1. Hi, I have a problem and i hope you can help me understand what is wrong. I created ESMC All-in-one installer package and reinstalled manually products on 10 computers. Only 3 of them are connecting to my console. I have a error log from one of the problematic computers. I think there is something bad with proxy, but my installer package has this option unchecked ("turn on http proxy settings") This is error: "ERROR: InitializeConnection: Initiating replication connection to 'host: "DC002" port: 2222' failed with: Request: Era.Common.Services.Replication.CheckReplicationConsistencyRequest on connection: host: "DC002" port: 2222 with proxy set as: Proxy: Connection: :3128, Credentials: Name: , Password: ******, Enabled:0, EnabledFallback:1, failed with error code: 14, error message: Endpoint read failed, and error details: Replication details: [Task: CReplicationConsistencyTask, Scenario: Automatic replication (REGULAR), Connection: DC001:2222, Connection established: false, Replication inconsistency detected: false, Server busy state detected: false, Realm change detected: false, Realm uuid: 1bc6ecfd-6fd8-41c1-89ed-48432786851a, Sent logs: 0, Cached static objects: 0, Cached static object groups: 0, Static objects to save: 0, Static objects to delete: 0, Modified static objects: 0] All replication attempts: 6" Thanks for any response
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