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William Zujkowski

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About William Zujkowski

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  1. I am interested in the beta, can you please send me an invite? Thanks, William
  2. Hello Peter, I would also like to test the Beta builds. Thanks!
  3. Hello @Peter Randziak, Thank you for following up! Sounds good, I will bump this again in a month or so to check on it's status and hopefully remind you. William
  4. **10-9-2020 Edit** Adding this for people searching for Big Sur BETA: ------------------------------------- Hello, I am interested in testing any upcoming betas for Mac OS 11. We use Macs heavily in our business environment so I am particularly interested in any deployment that will no longer require a kext to properly work. Can you let me know if there is one available? Thanks! William
  5. I am interested in testing out the v7 desktop linux AV. Please reach out. Thanks, William
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