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About kellyz

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  1. This is the warning i get from Pulse Secure with 13x: I need to perform all three steps. I tried all combinations 1, (1,2), (1,3) etc. (1,2,3) works for whatever reason.
  2. Yes I had v12 installed and disabled program updates. But I received notifications telling me that there were issues installing various modules as a result for some reason. The whole idea behind disabling v13 was to obtain access to the vpn using pulse secure. As you know pulse secure doesn't allow v13 to connect (only v12). Once connected, I just enable v13 back again... that's it. How else would I go about doing this in a simpler manner? I don't want to be stuck on v12 with updates disabled, that makes no sense; and I have no desire to run Defender. I still have no idea why i have to execute all three steps to allow pulse secure access (steps 2 and 3 should be enough), and why executing step 3 before step 2 doesn't work. If anyone has any insight that would be great.
  3. Thanks for the replies. I tried staying on 12.x with updates disabled, but it was annoying me with frequent popups in relation to module updates unable to be installed. But the good news is that I seem to have been able to solve connectivity with EIS 13.x using Pulse Secure. What I had to do was: Advanced Setup > Detection Engine > Real-time file system protection > [Disable] Enable Real-time file system protection Advanced Setup > Network Protection > Firewall > Basic > [Disable] Enable Firewall Right click EIS taskbar icon and select "Pause Protection" Now I can connect to my company vpn under 13.x. I noticed if I perform the above steps out of sequence, i.e. step 3 before step 1 or 2, it does not work. I need to perform step 3 at the very end. I am not sure why. Maybe pausing protection, then disabling the firewall and real-time file system protection doesn't shut down certain modules correctly. I am also not sure why I have to do step 1 even if I do step 3, because doing step 3 tells me it is deactivating real-time protection anyways, which is confusing: So doing steps 2 and 3 alone will not work... confusing... But anyways, I got it working now and I am happy. Thanks again for all your help.
  4. Hi, would anyone know how to disable EIS in such a way that windows defender is running? This is an old frustrating issue. I upgraded to 13.x and now i cannot connect to a vpn using Pulse Secure (which only supports 12.x). I recall I read somewhere that you can alter a setting in windows somewhere such that when you reboot the pc, it will have EIS completely disabled and have Windows Defender running. I tried disabling realtime protection, but that doesn't work. I tried stopping the EIS service, but i get 'access denied'. The only way i can see around this is to set up a virtual machine with no EIS installed, and access the vpn through that. There should be a way of disabling it completely though. Thanks
  5. Thanks for that. Really appreciate the help. The "Program component update -> Application updates" was really well hidden, but eventually found it. Yeah, Pulse Secure don't make things easy. Thanks again for all the help!
  6. Thanks, however this requires administrator rights which I do not possess. I am also unsure whether support at my company would be willing to go through this process just for the sake of the minority who use EIS. They have been recommending other products that play along i.e. Trend Micro. Cheers.
  7. Hello, I am using EIS and for the past month I keep on getting a nagging dialog box asking me to update to 13.x. I don't want to update as pulse secure doesn't support 13.x, which would prevent me from connecting to my work's vpn. How can I stop this frustrating annoyance as I am really getting tired of it. I have been on EIS for almost 8 years, and am on the verge of moving across to KIS 2020 which does work with pulse secure. Thank you.
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