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About nfree

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  1. also found a bug in era6. It is do not report correctly IP address for some computers with more than one network card in the console. In ERA5, it is will show the ip address that communicate with ERA server.
  2. Hi, I'am 8 years long ESET customer. I'm testing ERA6 in a few days. It is completely different than 5.x and I' am so disappointed with it. I'm not happy with the computer view because it is not shown MAC address, domain and just have an icon for status without text, and it is difficult to quickly and directly collect and export all clients information for me. I know I can get them in the details, but it is not intuitive. I like the old version view. I fully expect new version can provide the same or similar function to help customer to export the data in view like the old version. Thanks!
  3. Hi Marcos, I just sent the debug info to you, please check it. Thank you!
  4. Hi ChadH, Thanks for your reply, I tried your method but not helpful for my issue.
  5. Hello, One month ago, I used the ERA maintenance tool(v5.1.38) migrate the ERA server from the old one to a new one with a different IP address, server name follows the ESET manual. Today, I found one issue that is I cannot remove client in era console(v5.1.38). The progress bar is always stay there at "Deleting 1%..." I use the sql server management studio express to manually delete the client in DB is no problem(Test database) on same server. Old Server Name:WS1 Windows 2008 R2 Std+MSSQL 2008 R2+ERA Server 5.1.34 New Server Name:WS2 Windows 2012 R2 Std+MSSQL 2008 R2+ERA Server 5.1.38 Any idea? Thanks for your time. cheers!
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