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About Acc-Eset

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  1. Hello, I'm not sure i understand your answer. I installed Eset security products in Debian 10 normally, like a Debian 9 and all the others servers. The problem appeared after a reboot. So i wasn't in chroot, or maybe i misunderstood ? Thanks
  2. Hi, You found a solution ? I had the same problem on a Debian 10. I removed the last version of EFS and reinstall the old one, it's ok for now. Thx
  3. I don't know how but it's ok for one of them after install/reinstall, etc... But the second, still the same issue... And now, the third : And many of this : Secure boot was supported in the last installation and not now ? The server and efs are the same version of the others (this one isn't in the same hyperv -no uefi activated in the others) But i have 5 others centos servers to upgrade and i'm stuck for now... Examples of 2 others ones (CentOS updated but not EFS, still in version 7.0.1152.0 - it's the reason i upgrade EFS) : (Others servers on Debian 9 are ok)
  4. Hi, I wanted to upgrade my agent EFS and i have this problem on all my CentOS : I used the command : The previous version was 7.0.1152.0 Version of CentOS : CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 Thanks for the help.
  5. With the command : Result (just the end) : The status of the service : The error for the PID file isn't present if i disable selinux and the service starts. [EDIT] It's works with the command ./eraagent.sh --update
  6. Hi, The result of the ausearch : The command ./eraagent.sh --upgrade didn't work, result : Maybe the option is "update" and not "upgrade" ? Thanks
  7. Hi, I have installed Era Agent 7.1.367.0 in CentOS 7, it was working. Since i have installed the last updates on CentOS, the service doesn't want start. After a research, if i disable Selinux "setenforce 0", I can start the service. I tried to reinstall and i see that the selinux policy are the same on another server which wasn't update. (For information, i had this second server on CentOS 7 which was functional and not update. After i updated it, i have the same problem) Thanks for your help.
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