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  1. Upvote
    Pete12 received kudos from heyyahblah in bug...   
    Yes, its a well known bug by now ..........it appeared with this buggy update to 12.2.29 .
    Rolled back to previous version 12.2.23 , with NO BUGS at all !!
    I dont understand why (!) ESET still did not react .............WHEN WILL THESE TROUBLES GET FIXED !!!  
    I contacted support already , they want to look in my PC , but whats the use without a new update , its not our OS , this is an ESET-problem ...................!!
  2. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to BALTAGY in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    Once you finished the install and the enter key screen come up, go as above and disable app update first then use your key and update, you will only be noticed about a new version but it wont auto update
  3. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to Marcos in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    The problem with periodic scan seems to be caused by timing; v12.2.29 was waiting for a response from WSC and since it takes time for the Security Center service to start (looks like a bug in Win), the system didn't know about ESET and WD was started. When we eventually received a response from WSC and registered, WD reset its settings, including periodic scanning. We've made a change so that we won't wait for WSC to respond and will register immediately. We'll also implement an alternate way how to remove obsolete providers from WSC since the functionality is not supported by Windows as of RS6.
    A newer version with all the above mentioned changes should be available soon.
  4. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to itman in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    I was using RS6; i.e. Win 10 1903, with ver. 12.2.23 installed without these new issues. As such, the problem is the new certificate Eset is using.
  5. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to Marcos in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    The problem is not with the certificate, it's perfectly ok. The thing is that we're unable to remove the former provider from the registry since Windows stopped supporting deletion records as of RS6. As a result, we are registered twice there. However, this doesn't cause any other issues but the 2 records logged in the event log when the SC service starts.
  6. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to Marcos in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    The Windows Security Center service cannot load instances of AntiVirusProduct from the data store id = 19
    The Windows Security Center service cannot load instances of FirewallProduct from the data store. id = 18
    This is a result of using a new certificate as of v12.2.29 and the fact that Windows stopped supporting deletion of records through WMI as of RS6. RS5 and older didn't use the registry keys for providers.
    The messages above have absolutely no effect on usability or stability of ESET or the OS itself. The only "annoyance" is that they are generated in the system event log.
    Re. changes in v12.2.29, nothing but the certificate used to sign ESET's files have changed in the process of registration to WSC.
  7. Upvote
    Pete12 gave kudos to SeriousHoax in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    I installed ESET IS and registration to Windows Security Center was successful but like mentioned above, WD is starting for some minutes at startup.
    There used to be an option to ask the user before performing a program update. Why was it removed? I installed the version from the offline installer and after the first update it automatically updated to Who thought it would be a better idea to remove the option to ask the user??!! A lot of us could've avoided this if the option was still there.
  8. Upvote
    Pete12 received kudos from fabioquadros_ in update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29   
    Well , first I thought these problems are related to errors /bugs om my system .......after reading these latest messages , Im sure its the update from 12.2.23 to 12.2.29  !!
    People are reporting the same errors/ bugs as I encountered , so its definitly NOT my fault/system................!!
    Hopefully Eset will take action very soon , costed me a lot of time already...................
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