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    display3958023 gave kudos to MichalJ in Cannot Find MacOS Products when Creating Installer   
    @display3958023 The reason is simple. All in one installer is available only for Windows.  Information is available in the help of ESET Remote Administrator: https://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/deployment_scenarios.html?fs_local_deployment_aio_create.html
    In case of a mac product, you can either generate an agent live installer script, or deploy the agent installer manually. Installation of the security software product can be then performed using a software install task. 
    PS: I would strongly recommend to upgrade your server to ESET Security Management Center V7, which was released more than a year ago. 
  2. Upvote
    display3958023 gave kudos to MichalJ in Cannot Find MacOS Products when Creating Installer   
    You can download the standalone mac endpoint installer at eset.com (download section). Specifically here: https://www.eset.com/int/business/endpoint-antivirus-mac/download/ 
    Installation works in the way, that when you choose a product you want to install, agent will connect to ESET Repository (cloud download server), and will download and installed the respective product. You can cache installers by a proxy server placed in between, to optimize a network traffic. 
    With regards to the appliance upgrade, instructions are available in the documentation: https://help.eset.com/esmc_deploy_va/70/en-US/va_upgrade_migrate.html 
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