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About Trevor

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  1. I disabled both, then re-enabled both, rebooted and the program now works. Can you keep this post open and when/if I have a issue again I will try doing one at a time to see what works. I can not do that now because it is working at the moment, thanks for your time Marcos
  2. Yes tried this, reboot and it worked, I have set them back to "on" now, reboot and Fusion is working again. The issue is that it may not work this afternoon or at sometime soon again.
  3. I have no idea what the other options are or how to use them It works by disabling firewall and protection How can i whitelist this program so ESET does not block it ?
  4. Yes I did get it to work by pausing protection and firewall Others not tried OS is Windows 8
  5. From the update today i can no longer start the AutoCad software Fusion 360. It is a cloud based software and ESET is blocking it and evan after a reinstall of the software I can not get it to function. As soon as I activate F360 the task manager is telling me ESET is using 90% of CPU. How can I fix this issue?
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