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Everything posted by tmuster2k

  1. Just resolved this on my windows 8.1. machine. Go into advanced setup >> Web and Email >> Banking and Payment protection >> uncheck "integrate into system" and then OK. restart computer. Go back into advanced setup and re-enable "integrate into system" and ok. That should do it.
  2. I have customer from time to time have problems with ESET interacting with log me in. I noticed hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2979/?locale=en_US and a mix of customers on Step 12 are having to set this to "All applications" in HIPS RULE as opposed to the KB which wants just "%windir%\system32\winlogon.exe". Is this a security risk by having it on this setting?
  3. " such case, we recommend disabling email protection on clients and leaving it enabled only on the email server" NOTE: This is a stand alone workstation running windows 10 and no exchange server. The ESET outlook plug in would be the latest version since it was just re-installed. If ESET Client integration is disabled in ESET advanced settings then the problem is not present.
  4. When ESET CLIENT INTEGRATION is checked in advanced settings my customer's outlook 2016 crashes when he moves emails from inbox to a different folder in outlook. Also crashing when they tried to move selected emails with attachments. The issue was fixed when I disabled the ESET client integration (spam filtering). Exact message from Outlook >> "Cannot move the items. the operation cannot be performed because the message has been changed" Please reference link below. Microsoft actually suggest disabling your AV to fix this which is crazy. Full EMAIL CLIENT protection does not have to be disabled for this issue to not arrise. Just outlook plug in . https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_outlook-mso_win10/outlook-2016-cannot-move-message-because-message/42394f6e-9a24-4fda-9d7c-07a52118970e PRODUCT: ESET Smart Security (Very latest build) and on most updated version of Windows 10.
  5. I understand it blocking items outside of trusted zone but look at screenshot from above. why is it blocking internal 192.x.x.x. his Smart TV (LG TV)?. Also have hear of reports where it blocks their router and have to continually keep unblocking otherwise they lost internet connectivity every 30 min.
  6. I have seen this quite a bit. One customer was having issue where ESS kept blocking log me in. even after choosing unblock multiple times and creating manual rule it always would show back up in this list. I had to get him on NOD32 otherwise he was going to cancel license. Why is ESET blocking devices when there are no rules specific to said devices ? Is there a protocol its blocking and thus blocking devices ?
  7. I have a customer who used to frequent his site but now being blocked by ESET. topsurfer.com is the URL. Appears its trying to download a trojan just from accessing the site. Virustotal.com has the site as Clean for every AV program including ESET. Anyone else have explanation for this?
  8. You likely have a leftover ESET Firewall Filtering driver that is not getting removed completely. Do another uninstall and reboot. After reboot navigate to >> C:\windows\system32\drivers and look for any drivers that start with epf. Delete any drivers that start with epf. Also confirm ESET is removed from C:\program files and in the registry under >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_Software. Install ESET ENDPOINT AGAIN and you should have better results if the filtering drivers where cleared before fresh install.
  9. auto deployment of an uninstaller tool. This is like telling a child that its ok to play with fireworks but something wrong may happen. It is possible though. RISK reward is not good in this instance.
  10. I found this KB >> hxxp://support.eset.com.tr/kb6067/?locale=tr_TR&viewlocale=tr_TR and wanting to use this but have some questions. on STEP 9 is it possible to use a UNC? for example instead of starting with https://website.domain/Agent.bat could I use >> \\SERVERNAME\Folder1\Folder2\Agent.bat', 'C:/programdata/ESET/Agent.bat')) ?? I tested and still not firing off. Has anyone had success with this option?
  11. this issue from what I have seen is very isolated. I have tested Winsock reset for this issue multiple times and have not seen any negative affects. Ip settings are still intact.
  12. Hey Marcos. What are the specifics of "Endpoint 6 has ransomware protection improved compared to Endpoint V5"?
  13. you did get a decent response from this site and it has worked multiple times for me as well with failed activation's. netsh winsock reset then reboot the system. try the activation again.
  14. I understand the detection but there is nothing currently on my machine that should allow this in. I have no junkware on this system and no "Freeware" has been installed. Its almost like ESET is looking at remnants of something and still presenting the detection window. Re-installing ESET does not resolve issue.
  15. Been dealing with this for a while but wanting to find a solution now. Not sure what let this in but from time to time when opening Chrome I am hit with 2 new tabs in addition to my default homepage. The first tab is some lame message about me being hacked but with no phone number but hyperlinks I rather not click on. The other tab is an Alert from ESS 10 with : Potentially unwanted content found with the url >> hxxp://www.forexapps.info/adguard.html. >> This web page is on a list of websites with uncertain reputation or potentially unwanted content and has been blocked. options from ESS are ignore and continue or go back. I do not want to ignore but when I hit up virus total on this url all AV sites including our beloved ESET show "clean". I have even uninstalled (manually cleared remnants as well) and reinstalled Chrome but still comes back. I have also run JRT as well and manually searched for this but nothing. I created new default profile in Chrome and same. Does not happen on any other browsers and I only have occurrence about 1 of 15 times I open Chrome but its still highly annoying. IN depth of scan on my ESET comes back clean. Have had same message with ESET ENDPOINT 6.4 as well. Wondering about some possible solution out there outside of re-image which I rather not at this point.
  16. what OS are you using? can you tracert register.eset.com ? Have you tried offline activation ? >> hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3615/?viewlocale=en_US
  17. Just installed DESLOCK PRO for customer (stand alone- No DES). program activated and key file generated. Customer wanted to test TEXT Encryption but after bring up DESLOCK + TEXT ENCRYPTION and having NOTEPAD in the background with TEXT , when choosing ENCRYPT from the Encrypt window selection there is error message "could not find previous window. please select the window containing your text and try again" - When doing other sections for >> Encrypt Selection and Encrypt Clipboard and choosing his key, nothing gets encrypted and TEXT remains the same. When going through this same process on MY VM, text is encrypted. This is latest build and system has been rebooted. OS is windows 10.
  18. I think this is a bug. I test parental control and created a Child account to block youtube. Even after closing the web page the blocked notification came up like 20 times.
  19. I would not recommend installing ESS prem over the top of ESS V9. ESS prem has new features than that of ESS so the it much more likely to have a hybrid of drivers for both products meaning some modules like the firewall may be "borked" as you state. I would recommend uninstall >> reboot and then install of prem.
  20. Did you implement an update ROLLBACK and stopped any subsequent updates ? Check the local machine or policy. Usually when you do not have an error message the updates have been ceased.
  21. Using the Maximum Security option is not ideal. This is not the default setting after installing a ESET Stand alone product. The default provides security and performance. MAX security will add latency based on the extra scanning it is doing outside of the default settings.
  22. How do you temporarily move a computer out of the top most group (ALL). Screenshots please. Also the weird thing about the "ALL" Group is that there is no computers in this group. I do have the computer in the COMPUTERS group. ERA6 default install sets the default policy of "ESET SECURITY PRODUCT FOR WINDOWS- Balanced" to the ALL group. Why does it set to "All" By default ?
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