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Everything posted by Stefano

  1. Is there a page on the site to send this bug issue?
  2. Hi, passing from version 6 to 7 of eset create a problem with ethernet packet order. With the last version Eset inspect the ethernet packet and change the order when sending out of ethernet. For example sending 1 2 3 4 packet result in 3 4 1 2. Is there a way to exclude the packet inspection?
  3. Maybe your computer have two network adapter, maybe an ethernet and a wifi. Sometimes ESMC show the wrong ip, maybe you have a correctly wifi connection and a APIPA assigned to ethernet, in this case ESMC show the ethernet ip and not the wifi ip. I see this problem more times.
  4. Same result, for me eset7 block something... the only solution is unistall eset.Having 30 license of eset would mean change the antivirus software for the next years. Thanks for support.
  5. Looking the wireshark log, seems that Eset 7 block the 'NOP' and 'APRD' ethercat datagram. This is the problem.
  6. No, if i rename the eelan i got the BSOD, maybe have the same problem of ehdrv.sys. Anyway is there a way to disable the protocol sniffer?
  7. Sure, but eelam.sys and ehdrv.sys can't be renamed otherwise windows crash.
  8. I just try disable protocol filtering, real time, hips, network everything..but only unistall work. I'm in contact with my local customer care but after 6 months i will try the forum.
  9. Hi, i'm using a software called Ethercat Conformance Test that send and receive a Ethercat packed on the ethernet port for testing an ethercat device. With Eset Enpoint Antivirus 6 there's no problem, but using version 7 i unable to communicate to the board. The test is simple, i open the softare and "check for slave device", with eset 6 i found the device, with eset 7 i don't find any device. If i unistall the eset 7 product and "check for the slave device" i finally found the device. So, the problem is the eset version 7. I try disable everything from the eset 7 menu, but the real solution is unistall the product or use the old version ( 6 ) . I attach a wireshark log, for check the ok e the ko configuration. Looking wireshark seems that without eset, the message are ordered. 1) request 2)reply 3)request 4) reply. Using the version 7 the message is 1)request 2) request 3) reply 4) reply. Maybe eset 7 want inspect the ethernet packed and this introduce a delay that cause this behaviour? thanks for help log eset.zip
  10. Ok, with this solution works, but i have to change the eset remote control center service from network service to local service.
  11. I don't modify anything. This is the connection string: DatabaseType=MSSQLOdbc DatabaseConnectionString=Driver=SQL Server;Server=localhost,14222;Trusted_Connection=yes;CharSet=utf8;Database=era_db;
  12. Hi, i'm using Security Management Center Server 7.0.577.0 but at service startup i get error Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Cannot initialize SSPI package Native error:127 After some investigation i think the problem is about the Security.dll inside the ESET/RemoteAdministrator/Server folder. This dll is also present in C:\Windows\System32 folder and in particular is used for SSPI. More information can be found here https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040702-00/?p=38583 How can i solve this issue? Thanks
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