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Posts posted by Megachip

  1. Maybe it would be best to collect ERA and two-three client's logs (LogCollector) and open support ticket at ESET:

    Ticket is already open

    Looks ESET also didn't know what their own errors mean ^^

    Have 2 tickets (an old one and a new one) and in non of them eset told me what theres errors mean :/


    Do you think logging to syslog will be more understandable? I think the messages will be the same


    Are problems with machines connected to program version on clients?



    What error ERA console displays?

  2. This happens for every or only one/some clients? If only 1 or some of them - try to delete them and recreate.

    Also, upgrade to newest version of ERA & client (if not already).

    Happens on some computers. Latest ERA is running. Client Versions differ.


    The more interesting questions is, what tell me this error messages, not how to work around them. 

  3. Could someone please explain the following error messages?

    <SESSION_ERROR> CCServiceRoutine(HandleClient): Failed client handling, code: 3
    <SESSION_ERROR> CCServiceRoutine(HandleClient): Failed client handling, code: 5
    <SESSION_ERROR> CCServiceRoutine(HandleClient): Failed client handling, code: 21
    <SESSION_ERROR> CCServiceRoutine(HandleClient): Failed client handling, code: 22
    Thanks a lot
  4. I was asking because using the Upgrade client feature is 100% equivalent to putting nup files to a mirror.

    Huh, that I didn't know.


    As far as I remember, on PCU the user was notified that there is an update and he can decide, if and when he will do it.


    I thougth the "update client" option was more like an remote install (user did get not notification and cant decide anything). And as I remember, it was like that!?



    On the other hand: automatic PCU vs. "upgrade client"

    On PCU, eset deployed the packages and the admin has nothing to do... on "upgrade client" the admin has regularly check for new versions, check if theses versions are complatible, create RI packages, check for old clients and has to deploy these updates.


    So, a lot of more work for your customers.


    But I will test the "upgrade client" feature if you're right.


    THX for the informations.

  5. Is it necessary to upgrade to the latest version of Endpoint from a mirror? Isn't creating an install package and using the "Upgrade client" feature an option?

    For our behavior, yes ;)

    I do not know wich services, tasks and software currently running on all our clients so pushing a new installation could possible harm them. I think it would much better to let the user choose when he installs the upgrade.

  6. <2014-02-19 16:20:26> PrepareCertificates: Entered
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> HTTP_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE: "PEM"
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> HTTP_SERVER_CERTIFICATE: "configuration\cert-5610657217347144-rz-antivir.pem"
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> File was not found
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> ERROR: Certificates were not prepared!
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> Execute sequence terminated with error
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> SafeServiceOperation (type=1)
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> Starting prior server 'ERA_SERVER'...
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> Direct start failed (code=5)
    <2014-02-19 16:20:26> Using netshell to start service...
    <2014-02-19 16:20:28> Netshell returned: 2
    <2014-02-19 16:20:28> Service operation was successfull...

    File exist. Cluster installation, no generated certificate.



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