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About DaveBOpt

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  1. Thanks - Looks like that Task is updating the agent successfully. Appreciate your help!
  2. Hi MichalJ, ESET Security Management Center (Server), Version 7.0 (7.0.471.0)ESET Security Management Center (Web Console), Version 7.0 (7.0.429.0)Copyright (c) 1992-2018 ESET, spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved. Agent Versions I can't see a Component Upgrade task, only a 'Modules Update' task. Is this the task you're referring to?
  3. According to the ESMC dashboard, 98% of my workstations have an outdated agent. I've tried running module update tasks, agent upgrade tasks and manually pushing out the latest agent_x64.msi via PDQ Deploy. The stats don't seem to improve. What is the correct procedure for upgrading?
  4. I had the same results. Just checking whether we should be taking any action as best practice. As the user didn't select an option, do you think it's wise to mark as 'Resolved' ?
  5. Thanks I'll do this ASAP - machine is in a remote location.
  6. I've had a warning for HTML/ScrInject.B trojan on https://bid.rxrtb.com with 'no action' What does this mean? ESET has detected a threat but hasn't done anything about it? What's the best practice here?
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