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  1. But the file change occurs when i launch the game and the procmon log that i send you is logged when the problem occured so i dont know if it will make any difference when i do it again
  2. It s literally called rlg_config in : Documents( in my language dokumenty)/Mount&Blade Warband/ and here is the rlg_config
  3. but then the audio wouldnt be broken i maked sure i heard the audio problem and then i stopped logging
  4. i change the value before i started logging to 0 and after i stopped logging i looked and it was change back to 1
  5. Here you go , from starting the game until it loads and produce the sound https://www.dropbox.com/s/w16yk16ynpgbhch/Logfile.PML?dl=0
  6. So am i supposed to ru the procmon program and then run the game and send you the log?
  7. I unninstaled eset and the issue with the changing text in documents wasnt there it was working fine but when i installed it back it was doing it again the game is bought on steam so i dont know if there was any malwere in it. I dont know if there is any possible way of blocking eset from doing anything with this file of something that could help with this issue.
  8. I have a problem with eset is changing my game rlg_config.txt values. When i uninstalled eset it was working fine when i changed the value form 1 to 0 it saved and was alaright.Now i installed eset back and when i change the value of use_winmm_audio to 0 from 1 and save the text file and start the game (the game is mount and blade warband) the sound is buzzing/crackling and when i open the text file it s change back to 1.I dont know if you can help me with this on this forum because on the game forum they dont know why is it doing it. This problem is not happening on other games.
  9. Dneska sa mi pri štarte pc nespustil eset tak som sa ho po par pokusoch spustiť ho , ho odinštalovať.Po úspešnom odinštalovaní som sa pokúsil ho nainštalovať naspäť . Eset mi po zapnutí inštalačky a kliknutí Pokračovať napísal že: Najnovšia verzia ESET Internet Security už je nainštalovaná na vašom počítači. Ale ja v počítači eset nemám nainštalovaný už ho neviem ani odinštalovať ani zapnúť . Prosím pomoc
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