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Pics N.

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About Pics N.

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  1. Update: I've tried Opera Mini on my Windows Phone and the login worked there. However Opera Mini for Windows is a nightmare browser, many things based on JavaScript do not work so I couldn't use it. I've also tried my Surface 1 device with an outdated Internet Explorer and the login also worked. So the problem seems to be with ipad3 (all browsers) and MS Edge for mobile. I already cleared all cookies and browsing data, no success. BTW this "save login" tickbox you have on a page - it never worked for me. Each time when I visited my.eset.com I was asked to enter login/password from scratch. So, where should I ask for customer care? It's a coding question. I've these forums are already a support for all kinds, or was it a mistake?
  2. My ipad is on ios 9.3.5, and I've tried all possible browsers I have here, Firefox, Chrome, Opera Coast and Safari - everywhere the same result i.e. an empty screen and no login completes. Here's an example URL where it stucks on: https://login.eset.com/connect/authorize/callback?client_id=pcp&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fparentalcontrol.eset.com&response_mode=form_post&response_type=id_token&scope=openid%20mecac&state=OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties%3DgqjO5clUljnUexi390xPBvsknotPUACFtqTumTfN668Ga1Y3375dz4dmBUezw2rF6CUJ4laF2Hh2hggwvTUVLQxLiENnmqHV7AuLddt8QWtiRCSKiRAX_d3FijeIheSftBZIDOUmYoRk1eKc-iMWhTGH46uC8XcZ50eFbRWriBe8FWWCyKTMwwe2Sq-2m97U&nonce=636721780743619360.MGVlZDExMzMtZDVkMi00NWY5LWJjYzUtMGJjNmE5OTg1ZDQ0NmUwZTAxMzYtYjEzNC00N2EzLThjMWMtOTIzYjI2NjdlZGQ5&x-client-SKU=ID_NET451&x-client-ver= just to repeat - it stopped to work just a couple weeks ago, previously worked nice on all of my mobile devices.
  3. Ok, but what system did you use? I've just tried to log-in from a desktop computer (Windows XP) and it worked, from the same connection IP I have on wi fi. So the problem is that it doesn't work from a mobile device. Like I mentioned, it doesn't work on ipad3 and Windows 10 MS Phone I have. I've tried connection in another place and it doesn't matter. Still, it all worked a couple of weeks ago. Something was changed. Try to login from similar devices and then you could probably see the problem in action. If you want, I could post an exact URL here at which the login stucks.
  4. Hello, I already have this problem for a week or so: when I try to login to my parentalcontrol account, I'm redirected to login.eset.com and it all freezes at a blank page and goes nowhere. I mean my account as a parent. This means, I could not control apps and time on my kid's Android device. I am trying to login with my ipad3 IOS9 and tried all possible browsers I have here, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and I also tried my Windows 10 Phone's MS Edge - everywhere the same result, it just shows a blank screen after login and no control panel available. It all worked on every device I have some days ago for a Month when I first installed this app in August.
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