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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. Most usually people who pay their ransom get the decryption key back without any problem, but whatever if you try to decrypt with a decryptor that isn't supported , data could get damaged as far as I know.
  2. Works fine for me here , might be the servers in your area are under load. What message you get?
  3. It's possible to run it in order to disable it temporary while it's pending for a restart so you can do whatever malicious you want , if protection works without the restart then it's a different story. Thanks. You can lock it if you want.
  4. It could be some kind of advertising script that Vimeo is trying to use and then ESET blocks , I would rather get rid of any extensions that will bring any kind of problems.
  5. If it's to change/repair you will be asked for a password to continue with the installer , but if it was an update (product update) it will run immediately , without asking for a password It can be used for malicious actions I believe , click to update it , it updates , ESET is now off till next restart.
  6. Replace with uBlock origin. That could be a problematic or malicious or bad extension.
  7. I believe it's better if you try to go with a better LTE router that has a firewall capabilities but as far as I see with your test your router is rejecting all of these tries , but still remains lot of ports But the iphone tries is interesting, maybe because it's an LTE connection? , there are other iPhones on the network with you Or you can buy a router and connect it as DHCP mode to LTE Router and then connect to the internet through your second router and make sure that it has a firewall or if you have an old router with dust over it , maybe you can flash OPENWRT for it and can be back a good router/firewall In firewall it should be like this Outgoing - Allow Incoming - Block or Drop - depending what you want
  8. I believe that the router/firewall isn't closing all the inbound TCP ports. or somekind of an application is leaving a hole for them to come in. @K49, Do you have any port whitelisted in your router ? or any portforward to your PC? Do you have any iPhone in your internal network ? , shutting it down or cutting the internet from it can stop the attacks? or doesn't make any difference.
  9. It seems your router is on REJECT mode which is why it's showing all as STEALTH which is good but I wonder what is the remaining port that is still open and these iPhones are trying to connect to Do you have a port in your ESET window? that is the connections are tried to this port If it's through your local network then you should see some local IPs , but these coming at you aren't local , they are coming from nigeria person: Business Risk Management address: Golden Plaza Building, Falomo roundabout, ikoyi I've tried 3 whois on 3 IPs they all come from Nigeria. If one of your local devices was hacked and is attacking another local device in your network you would have seen the tries are coming from a local device IP and this Nigerian IPs you won't see them , because there would be a process in the iPhones that makes them do that attacks for them As you are currently having which is BOTs are trying to do specific thing on your PC , maybe add you to the BOT network or whatever the reason was.
  10. Try this test : https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 Click proceed and then click all service posts , this website will test all common service ports against your router If the iPhones were able to ping you or whatever they are trying against your PC then your firewall isn't protecting you I am afraid.
  11. I thought it's not going to work as Fedora isn't supported by ESET v4 if I am not mistaken It's good that you got it working.
  12. I believe through ESMC you can deploy Agents to computers and then after that the product you want to deploy , or if I am not mistaken you can deploy them together to the designated computers in the network.
  13. Your firewall/router should have a setting of : Outgoing - ALLOW Incoming - BLOCK/REJECT Other than that you will have to keep blocking devices through your ESET and prevent them from trying to connect to your PC.
  14. Secure your meeting programs with passwords and invite-links to only people who have access should get them , as also you need to do the access list , then after all you don't worry about some kind of hacking, ESET can already protect you if a hacker is trying to infiltrate your PC or camera. I don't believe ESET has the ability to protect the accounts from being hacker or the conference rooms from being hacked/entered by wrong people.
  15. If you have tried all up solutions and still having problems then probably you need to follow the last advice from Marcos which is resetting the router because most probably that the router is redirecting to other places.
  16. I believe you can make some filters to the DNS using the firewall , you can block the DNS to these links , so AnyDesk cannot establish or find the servers Also you can block it in webfilter maybe it helps maybe it doesn't. I believe you have some firewall with the ability of Application Control and DNS Filter , use it from there it will be more faster and efficient I believe , you can just block TEAM and ANY in Application Control , and then after that in DNS Filter you put the links on block list and then no PC can make connection because your firewall prevents them from doing so.
  17. I believe the only thing that might do a dodgy behaviour is the anti-tamper software which is SecuROM 8 and SecuROM PA DRM, 5 machine limit.
  18. I used to love the simplicity of those interfaces in v3 for an example :
  19. Bumping again , I want to try v7 again.
  20. But as it's coming from Steam there shouldn't be any indication of cracks because it's not a pirated copy or cracked one. Augur is not active on VT , it uses the database.
  21. Support should be able to help you in this case , while you provide them some logs and they will provide back a fix through modules updates that will prevent future bsod Staying up-to-date with ESET products is important , so you can get the latest of updates/features they develope
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