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Everything posted by STRAGIC-IT

  1. Hello Marcos, we decide to remove ESET V4.0.90 from some machines, because strange behavior. In LinuxMINT MATE 18.3 64bit and using SEAMONKEY V2.49.2 64bit as browser platform, the RAM ressource goes sporadically high. Normally the RAM usage with SEAMONKEY is about 800 MB. After an undefined time (mostly 5-50 min.) and nobody work at the machine, the RAM is about 1.2-1.8 GB??? Same happened with SEAMONKEY V2.49.3 64bit. It did not happen with ESET V4.0.85 !!! So, ESET in the version 4.0.90 makes a lot of add. work and problems. STRAGIC-IT H.Strobel - Master-Admin
  2. Hello Marcos, we have a strange behavior with the V4.0.90. Hardware: Notebook, INTEL i7, LinuxMINT MATE 18.3 64bit, 8 GB RAM, 240 GB SSD, HOME is crypted Fresh installation of LinuxMINT MATE ends in an boot time of 11 seconds to login-screen. After installation of V4.0.90 the boot time takes 21 seconds to login-screen??? Checked with linux-kernel 4.10.x/4.13.x/4.15.x - the same. Installed is a file: sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/eset.service with content: [Unit] Description=ESET Scanner Daemon After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_daemon ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process PIDFile=/var/run/esets_daemon.pid Restart=always Type=forking [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target and set with: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start eset.service sudo systemctl enable eset.service This is necessary because without, the package mail-notification did not work. Greetings ***** STRAGIC-IT Technical Master-Admin H.Strobel
  3. Hello Marcos, we decided yesterday to check V4.0.90 ... ok, no more crash with OPERA / FIREFOX / THUNDERBIRD or CAJA (File-Manager)... same to NFS transfers... stable and high... BUT - sporadically crash in the program itself... we open an log to view the ON DEMAND CHECK... works... BUT if we take to clear the log the program closed immediatly and stay closed! Only an new start from the machine bring it back. This is sporadically... we will watch this behavior... Greetings ***** STRAGIC-IT Technical Master-Admin H.Strobel
  4. Hi Marcos, we decide to wait 2 Month to the next installation. The people are not amused about this desaster. Not testet any other version from ESET now. V4.0.85 detect no trojans! CLAMAV negativ, Windows-AVAST negativ. This files stored since July 2017! Only V4.087 detect this trojans on the first run. Now, we are happy that all machines are working correct. We will check it in the next days.
  5. Hello ESET Team, V4.0.87 is TOTAL WAR... Installed at 27. June 2018 on 31 Systems - all crashed!!! Two firms totally slowed down. Checked on LinuxMINT (any flavor). Linux-Kernel V4.4.x / V4.10.x / V4.13.x. Crashed programs. Firefox / Opera / Thunderbird so far... NFS transport to NAS-server totally slow !!! File-Browsers closed sporadically (e.g. CAJA / THUNAR)... Login-Sreens are ALTERED!!! Why that? Complete other login-screen design used and same more... ESET NOD32 makes daily deep-scan on every machine - found on an system 763 TROJANS and moved the files to quarantine - !!! Checked with other scanners - nothing. Two administrator on duty since 18 hours! What !? ***** STRAGIC-IT Technical Master-Admin H.Strobel
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