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Cyril Vialle

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About Cyril Vialle

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  1. The command with sha1sim.exe tells me this: ed2684c2d548161b4b848e5fb577f0a7a50f88d5 Failure With the BAT file I have this return: Installing ESET Remote Administrator 6 Agent ... Installation failed with error code 1 And I confirm that the agent is not installed
  2. The ra-agent-install.log file is not in the folder. The files that are created: - agent_x64.msi - sha1sum.exe - era.ca.der.b64 - era.peer.pfx.b64 Even after a reboot, it does not work.
  3. Hello, The problem is not resolved, the agent_x64.msi file is available in% windir% / temp but it does not install. I have the same problem as this post: https://forum.eset.com/topic/9492-console-says-agent-deployed-successfully-but-did-not-install/ However, I do not see any solutions
  4. I tested by modifying the UnixWindowsNetworkRemoteInstall.sh file on line 134 by adding "vers=3.0" the deployment works. LANG= mount -t cifs -o "${mount_domain_option}username=$ERA_RD_WN_USERNAME,vers=3.0" "$remote_cifs_share" "$local_cifs_mount" This parameter should be dynamic
  5. I think I found the problem. The command to mount the ADMIN$ shared folder is not the correct one for Windows 10. It must be in version 3.0 Command in failure: # mount -t cifs -o username=XXX,password=XXX,domain=XXX //poste_xxx.protection24.lan/ADMIN$ /tmp/testdir/ mount error(95): Operation not supported Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) Successful Command: # mount -t cifs -o username=XXX,password=XXX,domain=XXX,vers=3.0 //poste_xxx.protection24.lan/ADMIN$ /tmp/testdir/ Is there a setting in Remote Administrator to change the version following the computers?
  6. I use the virtual appliance. The command tells me that 'smbclient' is not installed. -bash: smbclient: command not found I have no problem for deployment on Windows 7 x86
  7. Hi! I have a problem installing the agent from the console to a Windows 10 x64 computer: 2018-06-11 10:36:38 Error: CRemoteInstallModule [Thread 7f6d847c0700]: Executing remote deployment of agent 853d26f1-993b-4a20-ba20-919e1dd4b284 on 'poste_si14.protection24.lan' Windows network remote deployment failed. *** Error details: UnixWindowsNetworkRemoteInstall: remote deployment to 'poste_si14.protection24.lan' terminated with 32 All is ok, the Windows fire is off and the file sharing works. Where can this failure come from? Thank you
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