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About peters

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    Czech Rep.
  1. Thank you for your info and the link - it seems very useful.
  2. Am I able to send such a particular file to virustotal myself with ESET installed (site blocked)?
  3. Hi, there is another site https://www.scientex.com.my which is alerted as infected by this trojan. But it is interesting the virustotal marked this URL as Clean, include ESET engine! I tried to check the site with Bitdefender and again, there is no alert. Is it known what way the trojan behaves and what is the risk?
  4. Hallo, I wonder how to find proper device in EBA after I have changed local name several times. I cannot remember every single change at all. There are some very historical names i.e of machines which had been retired long time ago... Which way are these 2 locations synchronized?
  5. Nice to hear it. I tried to explain this dynamic groups problem to support and to a presenter some time ago and their answer was "Only agent can evaluate dynamic groups membership and there are no plan to change it"... I will look forward to positive future changes. Thanks for info.
  6. Dynamic groups: If you want to see bad concept of dynamic groups definition, try to change slightly definition of actual dynamic group. Immediatelly this group is empty, no matter how minimal the change is. And now you can wait even days or so (i.e. user ill or holiday) until the last device connects to reach the recent state. Who has time enough for that silly behaviour? How can one test various modifications when group is always empty and must wait and wait? This is a big obstacle which discourages me from use dyn. groups. Another limitation: There is not possible to create dyn. group of PCs without agent... IMHO it is necessary that server execute the first evaluation immediatelly after new definition or modification itself according to data it actually has and then, after agent connection, membership is modified actual way. But it is not this topic and in addition ESET do not want to hear this.. Reporting possibilities: I like your screenshot with more operators, but now there are only 3... When this version is going to be available?
  7. Than you but sorry, it is very frustrating to work with dynamic groups in such a case (need wait until all PCs connect to server etc.). Recently I tried dynamic groups for some other reason and there are bad limitations - I am afraid - by design.
  8. Bingo! I tried to find serial number such way too, but none of theese possibilities match what I need. I want to report device serial number (PC, NB), so it is hidden under device identifiers what leads to strange behaviour. And I haven´t found any option to report ALL PCs and their serial number, if they have one. Also, there is no way to report devices without S/N. It seems like there is automatic hidden filter (which I don´t want) and PC without S/N are excluded from report instead only empty S/N column. S/N is common shortcut for serial number. IncreasingIy I consider this behaviour as a bug or as a bad design.
  9. Hi, I want to report all devices (PCs + NBs) without S/N. How to set the filter? Or how to report all devices with and without S/N in 1 report (Name, S/N). Is this possible?
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