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Everything posted by bmike

  1. I'll test it if you want. I have a couple test Mac ready to go and don't mind if it breaks things. I can make console changes as well if needed. Thanks for confirming you've seen this and might have a fix.
  2. I'm testing ESET on macOS High Sierra with Time Machine - so the OS creates and mounts snapshots usually hourly. The configuration we are testing for production against ESET 6.5.432.1 pops up two alerts for each snapshot creation. How can I suppress these pop up alerts? How can I configure an exclusion rule to avoid these being scanned for cases where we have dozens of snapshots a day? It looks like the admin console is excluding /Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localshapshots/* already so I'm not sure why I get two pop up each interval (and I confirm two pop up - I got two just now trying to write this post.)
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