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Posts posted by PiotrIr

  1. Hi,

    I struggle with this and need some help. Basically I created a certificate from trusted authority (comodo) which in theory meet all requirements, added to the MDM server successfully. However, when I tried to enroll the phone, I’m getting an error message:


    When I look ad MDM logs (trace.log), they show me the error:



    “HttpsCertCheck: Extended key usage must contain TLS Server Auth”




    But certificate properties show the Extended key usage does contain TLS Server Auth.


    I've tried to find procedure how to create a request to public authority and only one which I was able to get is:



    Which not necessarily is correct for MDM. Could you help me with this please?

  2. I have problem with creating dynamic group which recognise if Mac storage is encrypted or not. I found old topic under:


    Which is exact my issue and it was reported to ESET but seems to not working on latest version. Any idea when possibly this will be fixed?


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