i have installed a new Era proxy VA ver 6.5 , but the connection to the main ERA ver 6.5 failed.
This is a part of the log:
2017-06-15 07:58:54 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7fa454ff9700]: CReplicationManager: Replication (network) connection to 'host: "esetapp.xxx.local" port: 2222' failed with: Receive: NodSslWriteEncryptedData: Internal error in the underlying implementations.
2017-06-15 07:58:54 Error: CProxySecurityModule [Thread 7fa453ff7700]: Certificated user verification failed with: NodVerifyCertificateChain failed: NodVerifyTrustResult: 42, NVT_NotTrusted, X509ChainStatus: 0x10000, X509CSF_PartialChain
2017-06-15 07:58:54 Error: NetworkModule [Thread 7fa4d9ffb700]: Verify user failed for all computers: 192.168.10.xxx: NodVerifyCertificateChain failed: NodVerifyTrustResult: 42, NVT_NotTrusted, X509ChainStatus: 0x10000, X509CSF_PartialChain
2017-06-15 07:58:54 Error: NetworkModule [Thread 7fa4d9ffb700]: Receive: NodSslWriteEncryptedData: Internal error in the underlying implementations., ResolvedIpAddress:192.168.10.xxx, ResolvedHostname:, ResolvedPort:2222
2017-06-15 07:58:54 Error: NetworkModule [Thread 7fa4d9ffb700]: Protocol failure for session id 3688, error:Receive: NodSslWriteEncryptedData: Internal error in the underlying implementations.
nslookup and telnet at port 2222 suceeded. No firewall is blocking. There must be something with the certificatechain as i understood?
please help