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About PaulK79

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  1. I have been having the same problem daily for the last weeks. I noticed this both with the 6.4.128 and version. The only way to stop my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013) from making noise with the cpu fans, is by force-killing the esets_daemon process. But a while later, it starts again, and goes back to 100%. Very annoying! Top -o cpu gives me: Processes: 351 total, 3 running, 348 sleeping, 2902 threads 23:23:49 Load Avg: 2.08, 2.58, 2.77 CPU usage: 3.33% user, 14.30% sys, 82.35% idle SharedLibs: 161M resident, 40M data, 38M linkedit. MemRegions: 231992 total, 5360M resident, 118M private, 1359M shared. PhysMem: 14G used (3092M wired), 1841M unused. VM: 4120G vsize, 623M framework vsize, 1271252147(0) swapins, 1284880503(0) swapouts. Networks: packets: 301063499/216G in, 347872491/299G out. Disks: 154072914/7164G read, 80900782/6257G written. PID COMMAND %CPU TIME #TH #WQ #PORTS MEM PURG CMPRS PGRP PPID STATE BOOSTS %CPU_ME %CPU_OTHRS UID FAULTS COW MSGSENT MSGRECV SYSBSD 1157- esets_daemon 99.5 04:59:57 17/1 1 65 23M 0B 101M 92104 92104 running *0[1] 0.00000 0.00000 0 667407 1425 123900 61094 282825444+ 12697 CrashPlanSer 11.0 08:51:07 90 3 238 583M 0B 213M 12697 1 sleeping 0[0] 0.28245 0.00000 0 114966261+ 464 24779913+ 5775271+ 3041415928+ 6168 top 4.4 00:00.94 1/1 0 20 8128K 0B 0B 6168 68703 running *0[1] 0.00000 0.00000 0 5949+ 113 573707+ 286818+ 11563+ 23794 firefox 4.2 12:21:16 82 3 1365 1829M 35M 951M 23794 1 sleeping *0[22519] 0.00000 0.00000 501 280058431 5464980 112888849+ 54273231+ 479234532+ 47710 Terminal 4.1 05:44.10 13 8 313 72M+ 0B 69M- 47710 1 sleeping *0[3292+] 0.00000 0.01239 501 3497171+ 16239 1769361+ 236505+ 2144660+ 5288 sysmond 2.5 00:05.83 3 3 32 4028K 0B 300K 5288 1 sleeping 0[8] 1.82564 0.00000 0 9323+ 142 310521+ 154147+ 515268+ 6084 Activity Mon 2.1 00:05.86 7 5 240 51M 25M 0B 6084 1 sleeping *0[25] 0.00000 1.80261 501 64122+ 611 85454+ 3668+ 266729+ 19037 com.docker.h 1.8 03:46:17 18 1 38 17M 0B 544M 19030 19030 sleeping *0[1] 0.00000 0.00000 501 9338322 248 713 70 502275565
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