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Everything posted by Xander0311

  1. Hi Peter! Apologies for the delay, but I've got a chance to run the tool you've linked. It came back stating that Olmarik/Olmasco was not found on the system. Attached is a screenshot and the logs created by it. By chance, what's the safest way for me to dump that MBR log? I'm mainly returning search results to use TestDisk, but I'm not 100% comfortable with it since I know of it's destructive power in the wrong hands. Is it still necessary in this case? esetolmarikolmascocleaner.exe_20170522.141902.4868.log esetolmarikolmascocleaner.exe_20170522.141902.4868.zip
  2. Hi Peter! I'm not sure if these are the lines you're looking for but let me know if this is right: Sounds like something to try when I can!
  3. Hi ESET Peeps! I've been having a strange issue the past week. I'm an administrator for our ESET Endpoint service and noticed that I had a PC showing up as infected with a MBR infection known as "Ripper". I've scanned and checked the PC but did not find anything out of the ordinary while physically on it. Yet, everyday I keep getting the same warning, Ripper keeps showing up everyday in threes, found in file:///1 but there's nothing that shows up when sending out a clean request. I've investigated what this virus might be about, but I can't find anything that's modern. The last know "Ripper" seems to be back from 1993 and mainly attacked floppy drives. (which this PC does not have what so ever.) I'm starting to believe this might be a false positive. It's happening on a Windows 7 Pro machine, and the only conclusion I currently have is that it's finding the HP recovery partitions as a possible infection? What can I do to either confirm the infection and clean it, or have this PC ignore the error? -Xander
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