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Zoltan Endresz

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    Zoltan Endresz received kudos from Thomas F. in Endpoint Antivirus - requirement to reboot after update?   
    Hi Thomas, 
    My solution is the following:
    1.:  - I created a dynamic group for collect the computers with error message "Restart required" :

    2.:  - Then I defined a CRON triggered task for send a pop-up window message into the affected computers:
    "Hello Collegue, please restart your computer as soon as possible because an ESET software update...bla..bla" or something like this
    You can configure the CRON for example launch the message hourly, every 10 minutes or as you want  
    It works pretty fine
  3. Upvote
    Zoltan Endresz received kudos from MartinK in Endpoint Antivirus - requirement to reboot after update?   
    Hi Thomas, 
    My solution is the following:
    1.:  - I created a dynamic group for collect the computers with error message "Restart required" :

    2.:  - Then I defined a CRON triggered task for send a pop-up window message into the affected computers:
    "Hello Collegue, please restart your computer as soon as possible because an ESET software update...bla..bla" or something like this
    You can configure the CRON for example launch the message hourly, every 10 minutes or as you want  
    It works pretty fine
  4. Upvote
    Zoltan Endresz received kudos from katycomputersystems in Future changes to ESET PROTECT (formerly ESET Security Management Center / ESET Remote Administrator)   
    Trigger tasks based a definied activity time frame 
    Maybe it would be useful a possibilities to create tasks for a group of computers wich were active in a specifield time frame. For example "if they were not active during on the last two weeks" or "if they are active at the moment".
    Delete the duplicated computers automatically 
    Day by day I find "duplicated" computers on the system. I created a report to find these computers (Group by: Computer name and Count: Computer), then time to time I delete the older entryes. It is a bit confusing.
    Make a task chain
    It would be wonderful a new possibility to make a task chain. For example:
    Task 1: Update the EES
    Task 2: Trigger a pop-up window on the affected client (Please restart your computer or Your computer will restart in 60 minutes) 
    Task 3: Wait 60 minutes
    Task 4: Restart the client
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