I have a questions about saving a generated log.
When checking the help documentation hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/server_tasks_generate_report.htm
It references: Relative file path - The report will be generated in a specific directory, for example:
and shows an example of the default file location C:\Users\All Users\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server\EraServerApplicationData\Data\GeneratedReports\ I am not sure what syntax I am supposed to enter in order to modify where the file gets saved. Is the only parameters for this section only supposed to be the stamps that are offered by clicking on the box ;current date; current time; current date and time;... and are not able to modify the save location of the file?
After making some attempts I am only able to locate the error (listed below) in the server trace log
Has anyone been able to successfully modify the save location or would be able to provide a little more clarification on what the proper syntax would be?
Error: CReportsModule [Thread 2690]: boost::filesystem::create_directories: (0x7b), The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: