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Everything posted by dgillespie

  1. We are experiencing the same exact issue: EEI on mac has a critical error, "Product not activated." One if the machines worked itself out but another machine didn't. Our team has run the gamut on uninstall/reinstall, reboots, and activation tasks - we've been working with ESET support for weeks (case #00515008). The EEI agent is up-to-date (1.10.2672.0) on the failing machine. Please patch this ESET or please acknowledge the bug now while you figure out the patch - this way we can stop worrying about it.
  2. We have 3 linux desktops that we are trying to install the Protect agent on. Our installer has proxy enabled but without authentication. This same installer has worked on UB 18.04 successfully. I know the command systemctl status eraagent will show the status of the agent but what other troubleshooting can we do?
  3. @Marcos our ESMC server and web console are 7.2 and our ERA agents on the laptops are 7.2 as well. I think you answered my question though because we didn't change any default update locations. Thanks!
  4. I am noticing that some of our ERA clients are not connecting to the server in days but the accompanying End Point Software is showing that it is up-to-date on the local laptop. Under Protection Status I see: Modules are up to date with a timestamp of today. When I look at the event log I see: Detection engine was successfully updated and Server not found both timestamped today. My question is, if the ERA agent can't connect with the server, where is the End Point getting it's updates from?
  5. In light of the recent WannaCry ransomware attack, I wanted to see a filtered view or run a report of all my Windows clients that don't have the MS patch for the vulnerability. I know the ERA Agent can detect if the OS is not up-to-date but I suspect it is just getting this info from the Windows security center and it can't determine the patch level of each machine. Is it possible to easily see this info in ERA?
  6. I am using the Software Install task. Thanks for the suggestion and I'm trying the Run Command task but I think I have to tweak it to get it to work. It states that it finishes "Application was started" but it doesn't install the software. Do you know the format of the Command line to run section and the Working directory section?
  7. ***Update - so I actually figured out how to do this through Tasks but I get an error stating that the installation package is invalid: Software installation failed with 0x654. It's an .exe and I can run it manually no problem and it silently installs. Any thoughts?
  8. From a recent ESET webinar I attended, I discovered that through ERA, I could install any .exe or.msi software package onto one of my Windows clients. They said it had to be done through a policy. I'm currently having trouble figuring this out, can you please help? No clients are on a domain but all have ERA agent and Endpoint Security installed. Here is what I need to do and hopefully I can do it all through ERA: 1. get installer package onto local machine 2. apply a policy that will install the package with /silent switches, etc 3. I can then verify the install via ERA I want to do all this remotely and without user interaction. Thank you.
  9. Had to install 64-bit agent in Ubuntu for testing. Obviously, it's not reporting to our ERA server - where/how do we configure the agent to report to our ERA server?
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