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About DennisT

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  1. This occurred doing an upgrade from v7.1 to 7.3 endpoint. I have no idea what the backup is or what it is doing. That is just the message that is displayed/hangs at when running the installer.
  2. I was sympathetic to the "many headaches, different problems, and scenarios" Scytale referred to. The installer doesn't allow the backup to be skipped, at least in any way I noticed. Regardless, if it has problems doing a backup it should come back and display something instead of just hanging. The site that had the console issue is no longer using ESET. WE solved the problem, in the best manner available to us. I was successful getting the last PC I was working on to upgrade - I R&R the software. Today I get an email from Google that GSuite sync for Outlook is incompatible with ESET. Yeah, there's probably some tweaking that can be done. But I have to do it for each and every PC. It is cheaper for the company to just abandon ESET and go with a competing AV product.
  3. I sympathise with Scytale. I am the IT manager for several organizations. They used to be all ESET. Now only 2 of them are. Once the licenses expire they too will be using some other AV. Today is Sunday. Instead of doing family things I had to upgrade the clients at a site. All went ok except for the last one. It hangs at Backing up files. So I'm now trying a uninstall/reinstall. I would use the management console but that quit working a long time ago. Support's response was unhelpful (basically uninstall the console and all the clients and then reinstall all from scratch). If I can't get it to reinstall this site will be upgrading early to another AV solution.
  4. I have 2 "installs" of ESMC. Both were at v7.0. Install 1 - Set up at a remote customer's site. All was working. Didn't access system for a couple weeks. Go to log on and can't bring up console. Apache Tomcat isn't running. Tried manually starting it. No go. Waste a times messing with it. Finally figure I'll just uninstall and reinstall. After uninstall Tomcat is still there. Googling and finally find a way to manually uninstall it. Go to reinstall ESMC and it thinks Tomcat is still there (service and folders are gone). Spend more time trying repair, removing SQL, etc. Finally just give up. Maybe I'll just let that network update directly from ESET. I won't have management capability but I'm questioning if it is worth the time. Install 2 - I'm warned I need to upgrade. Try to upgrade and I get "Installation failed. Do you want to uninstall installed components" immediately. Maybe I'll just ignore the upgrade warnings. Yeah, I know I can call support blah blah blah blah. This all burns time I need to use elsewhere. I'm must be unlucky as it seems every time I have an upgrade/systems change ESET just burns time.
  5. After a few minutes the outside range items dropped off. Appears to be working now.
  6. Ugh, I tried using a IPV4 whitelist filter, doesn't work properly (scans IPs outside the range I entered).
  7. Do I have to add each device by its IP/MAC? I don't see a way to mark items in the Rogue List as ignore/add to the policy.
  8. Is there a way to mark a rogue computer as known and to ignore it going forward? With all the printers, switches, timeclocks, IP to whatever devices, etc I have over 250 rogue devices I know of and don't care about as far as AV is concerned.
  9. I searched those as well as the server logs. Actually did a search of every file in ProgramData\ESET
  10. I've searched all of ProgramData\ESET for anything referring to the client. Nothing found. I was able to get the AV installed on the client by using the Agent Live Installer and a MSI & importing a client config. For now I'll just chalk up the push install feature in ERA as a nice idea that will need several more releases before it is usable.
  11. I'm trying the agent live installer now. I view this as a bug in ERA. If there is a problem with an install then there should be some info indicating what is happening. I don't expect to get the winning lottery numbers, but at least give a clue as to what is/isn't happening. A software can be measured by what it can do, but in IT debugging is as, if not more, important. From what I'm seeing here debugging is zilch.
  12. I've been messing around with this for several days. Finally opened a support case but won't hear back on that for another day so - I've (somehow) been able to do push installs in the past. It's been a while but I do remember how uncooperative it was. Now it is worse. Tried it on a new Win 8.1 desktop PC. The tasks just wouldn't appear on the clients. After spending a lot of time messing with it I updated the server from 6.1.127 to 6.4.295 (Win 2012 R2 member server). That helped a bit. but I'm still not able to push a simple install. Following these instructions: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3605/ I can go to the client details and I see the software install (ESET AV 6) but it is stuck at planned. Nothing more. I know ESET has put a lot of time into this but it doesn't make sense that I have to spend way too many valuable hours trying to make what should be a simple task happen. Heck, it would be faster to go out and buy single copies of an AV and manually install them than use this application. Sorry for the vent, but does ESET even use this?
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