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Everything posted by filips

  1. Hi wyzwolenia, you can use eShell to add domains to "Domain to IP whitelist" (eShell server as filtering>add approved-domain-to-ip-list domain.com) If you want to run eShell from a script, you may need to change the ESET Shell execution policy (see documentation for more info) Regarding the "Time limit for the initial connection denial (min)" setting - 2 minutes should be fine
  2. Hi piotrpotega, Mail server protection log keeps track of all messages that were modified by ESET Mail Security - by antispam protection, antivirus protection, rules. What are you trying to achieve? Why do you need to log all messages?
  3. Hi, SPF check will be available in 6.4 version of EMSX (end of August) Meanwhile you can use rules - create a rule with "Sender's domain" and "Sender's IP address" conditions
  4. hi wyzwolenia, This problem can occur if the sending domain uses more IP addresses to send emails (e.g. gmail). If the IP address changes after temporary reject by greylisting, new connection cannot be paired with the one that already exists in the greylisting database. and/or Receiving domain uses more servers to receive emails. If the receiving server changes between temporary rejects, a new record has to be added to its greylisting database. (assuming you have V6 version of EMSX) If it is the first case, you could add domains like gmail.com to "Domain to IP whitelist" (Server/Antispam protection/Greylisting), this should help. You can also try to increase the "Unverified connections expiration time (hours)". There is no solution for the second case yet, but EMSX v6.4 will be able to share greylisting databases between servers using ESET cluster. filip
  5. Hi ezeitoun, This feature will be added to new version of EMSL and EMSX that is scheduled to be released at the end of August
  6. This is most likely a certificate problem. Can you try other certificate? It can be set in 5443 port binding in IIS - Default Web Site. Also this might help: (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1058856) - Open Firefox's about:config - Set security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts = mail-kse.test-kse.local
  7. If you created a rule that deletes all *.JS files, it will also delete archives that contain *.JS files - there is no need to create another rule
  8. Returning of the message to quarantine after "Release" is caused by the fact that the rule still applies (e.g. subject still contains some forbidden words). To avoid repeated quarantining you can: 1. add "Internal message" "False" condition - rule will be applied to external messages only (the message is released using pickup directory - will be marked as internal and the rule will not hit again) OR 1. add "Message headers" "does not contain" "X-ESET-Rules: myrule" condition 2. add "Add header field" "X-ESET-Rules: myrule" action -> when the rule is applied, it will add "X-ESET-Rules: myrule" header to the message - and it will not hit again for messages that have such header (when releasing)
  9. First problem is a bug - redirection from HTTP to HTTPS ignores custom port setting - will be fixed in EMSX 6.4 Second problem - which browser(s) did you use? can you give us a more detailed description of the error?
  10. Yes, it does - file type rules are now evaluated in all types of archives that are known to the scanner
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