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About cristianlinca

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  1. Hello everyone, We have also upgraded to ERA console 6 and we're very dissapointed. It took us hundreds of hours to manage to connect all the hosts on the console and still having lots of issues with it. One of them is that our network has lots of old PC's that have XP and some of them fail and we re-image them with newer OC so therefore we need to use the licenses that are not used on the old PC's. On the old console we simply removed them from the console and poof solved but in this new console I'm lost. I managed to enter on eset.ela.com but I can't remove the computers. I can only see them but there's no place to select them. Can anyone PLEASE explain step by step how do we remove the license on ela.eset.com. Maybe someone from ESET to provide a KB or something. Thank you, Cristian
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