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Posts posted by Marcos

  1. Please follow the instructions at https://help.eset.com/ecs_mac/7/en-US/allow_full_disk_access.html:

    MacOS Monterey (12) and older

    MacOS Catalina is not supported by ESET CyberSecurity v7. As for v6, limited support ended on February 15 and the product is now EOL: https://support-eol.eset.com/en/policy_home/product_tables.html

  2. It is not necessary to send a "Check for product update" task. The endpoints will check for module and product updates automatically in 1 hour interval by default and download them, if available and allowed by the auto-update policy.

    The "Check for product update" task is useful when an admin wants to force upgrade to the very latest version shortly after the release when throttling is active and upgrade is not offered to everyone instantly.

  3. 2 hours ago, ShaneDT said:

    So going back through all of this, my only option to update from 10.0 versions to 10.1.2063 is to use Software Install.

    Why? The requirements for "Stop update at" feature are as follows, ie. for Endpoint for Windows it's => v9.0:


  4. This probably happens because another Bing application was installed in the past (e.g. Bing Wallpaper). Do you remember allowing installation of such application? Isn't there a way to avoid downloading the above file? When is the detection triggered?

  5. While you may occasionally receive an EPNS error, it should not occur always. Moreover, we are working on an ultimate solution so that the errors never occur. Since the error always occurs for you, I assume there will be a communication problem with the EPNS servers, hence I'd recommend raising a support ticket if the issue is not resolved automatically this week.

  6. If there were problems downloading updates and they were not caused by a firewall blocking the communication, it it very likely that also all other software would have problems with update. Anyways, you wrote that the issue was resolved by replacing the modem so there are no issues to investigate any more.

  7. 9 hours ago, RobertEDS said:

    This is the most common result on 99.99% of scan with cleaning in eset protect cloud.  I have hundreds of end points in protect cloud and we do monthly scans with cleaning on them.   Almost always results in detections retained.    Constantly I see folks here saying it is due to scan without cleaning but this is not true.   Would be nice to see this issue actually addressed by eset.  It is annoying.   The things detected are real problems and should be cleaned especially when the task is scan with cleaning.   

    Please raise a support ticket. A detected file can be retained also in case when it's a driver that is always loaded at system startup.

  8. Odporucil by som presunut vlastne pravidla, s ktorymi mate problem, nad defaultne pravidla. Podla konfiguracie pravidla pre svchost maju prioritu 63 a 64. Okrem toho namiesto aplikacie svchost.exe pouzite servis "Windows update":


    Ak by problem pretrvaval, postupujte, prosim, nasledovne:

    - odinstalujte ESET
    - nainstalujte ESET Internet Security v17.1.9 bez importovania predchadzajucich nastaveni
    - vytvorte prisludne fw pravidla podla odporucani vyssie
    - zapnite pokrocile logovanie pod Help and support -> Technical support
    - zreplikujte problem
    - vypnite logovanie
    - poslite logy z nastroja ESET Log Collector
    - kontaktujte technicku podporu s popisom problemu a dodajte im ELC logy

  9. 2 hours ago, ShaneDT said:

    If I create a Common Features policy with Stop Updates At set to 10.1.2063 for ESET Endpoint for Windows, assign this to all groups with Windows computers, then run the "Check for product update" tasks on these computers, they should all upgrade to 10.1.2063 only, there is no risk of this triggering an update to v11. Correct?

    That's correct.

  10. 12 minutes ago, ShaneDT said:

    I've never even looked at Common Features policy before. You guys make this stuff so incredibly complicated....

    It's one of very few settings common for all products, hence it's available as a separate "product".

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